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Know Your Audience

Your product/solution/service has a goal and you've probably gotten good at articulating that goal...but is that message resonating with the audience you're in front of right now? Are you adequately customizing the message for each audience?

Know Your Audience

Bad Robot Transcript

All right. Good morning. Everybody. Welcome to the show today as you can tell from the visuals in the background. I am not at home. I am currently at in Toronto for eighth of us transformation day. I’m down at the Westin Harbour Castle broadcasting between the buildings actually over the road right now.

I’m just after the keynote to a because I actually heard that Kino before but that doesn’t diminish how fantastic it is. When I wanted to talk to you about was actually the message behind a keynote ABS transformation day is focused on business, technology of directors are more people who aren’t half don’t have the hands of the keyboard necessarily and I think that’s really interesting because AWS is created.

All of these building blocks is basically a DS services are it’s a big giant pile and what they’ve done is created all these services. So it’ll give me the secret all these services and this day transformation. They take their core messaging and it puts it. Way that lets people understand how you use those services and I don’t mean use those services like literally click here to your creator sagemaker process or you’ll put your open an S3 bucket any pack that what I mean is they’re talking purely about digital transformation.

They’re talking about how a business can adjust to take advantage of this. I think that’s really really interesting because that’s where a lot of folks and start with Cam work today. And that’s where a lot of folks in security fall down and they completely and utterly fall down in adapting their message to the audience at hand.

So if we look at something along the lines of I’m going to win your talkin to application developers. This should be a different message. Then when you’re talking to the CIO or to the CEO or did she sell or you don’t even reporting if you don’t take me to that to yourself.

So this is really why I found today’s agenda interesting hear the transformation. So, you know, that’s a topic. I’m well familiar with this has been doing this for a really long time. Now. But I think it’s really important to understand that you have a corset of messaging and then you have an additional set of messaging app that you were a core principles.

Do you need to adjust for the audience at hand and that’s one of the top of today’s of know your audience. So you as a security person might know okay. I need to encrypt this in the following manner is how I want to run encryption then you know, we want a s256.

We want to manage the keys. Here’s the policies. But if you’re talking to the CIO, they probably want to go that deep. We talked to the CEO or another business leader. They don’t even care about the details. What they want is the principles here same thing different adjustment. They want to talk about core principles.

They want to talk about things like how it’s going to impact business how it’s going to deliver Better Business results. I was going to be more into our business schools in this is why it’s really fascinating to see transformation day and because his date of yours taking their core messaging and putting the business face on it putting the business understanding I think that’s out.

Critical access really are work better than skim over an area where a lot of folks fall down and that we all nearly as nearly as we can adjusting messaging for the areas where the audience were talking to and so taking that choremaster going to like and I really need all this data encrypted in transit and at rest and then taking that message or message, you know a lion with that goal and adjusting it to the audience who you’re talking to some dude on the application developers absolutely get into that the bolts driving the security people for sure get into the nuts and bolts Diamond business people know you’re talking to them about encryption and reduces your risk that impact your performance.

If you roll a die, right and here’s how we want to you know, ensure that we can continue to take a larger business wrist by protecting the back and a damn reason that risk. Those are the kinds of thing same same as a message said principle by Tower knots in principle that message was delivered in a far more effective way for that audience.

You absolutely have to I get apologies for the camera work. I’m still working on this to learning it ahead of a Taurus or events that I can help get my message out to the right audiences. Hit me up online at Mark and then blowing as always by email me at Marquette.

CA. I have known to be typing up some thoughts and experiences. I think from today put that out on the Block Mark end. CA them later this week out. And so have a great day. I hope to talk to you online throughout the day and I will see you on the show tomorrow.

All right. Good morning. Everybody. Welcome to the show today as you can tell from the visuals in the background. I am not at home. I am currently at in Toronto for eighth of us transformation day. I’m down at the Westin Harbour Castle broadcasting between the buildings actually over the road right now.

I’m just after the keynote to a because I actually heard that Kino before but that doesn’t diminish how fantastic it is. When I wanted to talk to you about was actually the message behind a keynote ABS transformation day is focused on business, technology of directors are more people who aren’t half don’t have the hands of the keyboard necessarily and I think that’s really interesting because AWS is created.

All of these building blocks is basically a DS services are it’s a big giant pile and what they’ve done is created all these services. So it’ll give me the secret all these services and this day transformation. They take their core messaging and it puts it. Way that lets people understand how you use those services and I don’t mean use those services like literally click here to your creator sagemaker process or you’ll put your open an S3 bucket any pack that what I mean is they’re talking purely about digital transformation.

They’re talking about how a business can adjust to take advantage of this. I think that’s really really interesting because that’s where a lot of folks and start with Cam work today. And that’s where a lot of folks in security fall down and they completely and utterly fall down in adapting their message to the audience at hand.

So if we look at something along the lines of I’m going to win your talkin to application developers. This should be a different message. Then when you’re talking to the CIO or to the CEO or did she sell or you don’t even reporting if you don’t take me to that to yourself.

So this is really why I found today’s agenda interesting hear the transformation. So, you know, that’s a topic. I’m well familiar with this has been doing this for a really long time. Now. But I think it’s really important to understand that you have a corset of messaging and then you have an additional set of messaging app that you were a core principles.

Do you need to adjust for the audience at hand and that’s one of the top of today’s of know your audience. So you as a security person might know okay. I need to encrypt this in the following manner is how I want to run encryption then you know, we want a s256.

We want to manage the keys. Here’s the policies. But if you’re talking to the CIO, they probably want to go that deep. We talked to the CEO or another business leader. They don’t even care about the details. What they want is the principles here same thing different adjustment. They want to talk about core principles.

They want to talk about things like how it’s going to impact business how it’s going to deliver Better Business results. I was going to be more into our business schools in this is why it’s really fascinating to see transformation day and because his date of yours taking their core messaging and putting the business face on it putting the business understanding I think that’s out.

Critical access really are work better than skim over an area where a lot of folks fall down and that we all nearly as nearly as we can adjusting messaging for the areas where the audience were talking to and so taking that choremaster going to like and I really need all this data encrypted in transit and at rest and then taking that message or message, you know a lion with that goal and adjusting it to the audience who you’re talking to some dude on the application developers absolutely get into that the bolts driving the security people for sure get into the nuts and bolts Diamond business people know you’re talking to them about encryption and reduces your risk that impact your performance.

If you roll a die, right and here’s how we want to you know, ensure that we can continue to take a larger business wrist by protecting the back and a damn reason that risk. Those are the kinds of thing same same as a message said principle by Tower knots in principle that message was delivered in a far more effective way for that audience.

You absolutely have to I get apologies for the camera work. I’m still working on this to learning it ahead of a Taurus or events that I can help get my message out to the right audiences. Hit me up online at Mark and then blowing as always by email me at Marquette.

CA. I have known to be typing up some thoughts and experiences. I think from today put that out on the Block Mark end. CA them later this week out. And so have a great day. I hope to talk to you online throughout the day and I will see you on the show tomorrow.

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