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Good morning everybody. Uh Mark here coming to you from the sect conference in Toronto, Sect to actually stands for Security Education conference, Toronto. And it's very apropos as this. October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Now, that means there is actually an official program around National Security Cyber Security Awareness Month.
You're going to see a ton of great content online from the security community, from vendors from research organizations, from schools, from government programs. A whole bunch of great stuff. The key to that is searching the hashtag NCM. So National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, NC AM.
Um And that's gonna bubble up a ton of great stuff. Obviously, if you've been tuned into the show for the last little while, you know that this is a topic that I'm really passionate about. Um And I'm really happy to be here at S I'm very honored to be invited to deliver one of the four primary keynotes for the conference.
Um My talk this week is going to be about security culture so very important. Now, Cyber Security Awareness Month covers everything it talks to the general population about how to be safe online. So here in Canada, you can check out the government's get cyber safe program.
It's pretty decent. You know, there's a lot of good information, there's some stuff that needs to be updated, you know, but that's a continuing process. At least it's something that's not too bad. Um You can see information from the IC squared, from SANS um from Trend Micro, we publish a ton of stuff um uh targeted, not just at cybersecurity professionals um but on our internet um safety for kids and families uh blog, a ton of stuff targeted at families.
Um because really this is, you know, cybersecurity Awareness Month is all about everybody kind of pitching in to try to raise awareness for issues around digital security um and online privacy because this is, you know, one of the defining um characteristics, one of the defining issues around our communities moving forward because we're doing more and more online.
Um total serendipity had a phenomenal conversation um with uh a woman on the phone on the plane coming down to Toronto yesterday. Um uh She's uh you know, very um smart, very wise. Uh she's a lawyer in private practice. Um And we had a talk about a number of issues, but one of the things that came up was an interesting intersection while she's not in cybersecurity law, interesting sort of overlap in the professions in the challenges around unintended consequences.
Now, we've built up all this amazing and phenomenal technology that lets me do things like record videos and stream them out live to you guys. Um It lets you know, people share all the learnings from a fantastic conference like this one. But there's dangers there, we know there are issues, look no further than the latest headlines here in Canada.
There was another hack announced yesterday. Facebook had the massive hack announce on Friday. There are major challenges around cybersecurity. There are major challenges around digital privacy, even the concept of privacy, you can look at Cory Doctorow's phenomenal series of essays and books, examining those issues as things change moving forward.
So, cyber Security Awareness Month I like because it brings things back to not basics but also through the advanced topic. So there's a lot of stuff out there about password safety, about information sharing. But for within the security community, there's a ton of stuff around.
Um you know, how do we get better? How do we um you know, uh improve education, how do we improve awareness? How do we um you know, uh start building better, start building stronger? Um So be on the lookout. That's really the theme of today be on the lookout ncasm on Twitter, on linkedin, on Facebook.
Um on a bunch of community blogs, you're gonna a ton of great content. Um This month. Uh For my part, I'll be obviously continuing to do my mornings with Mark um throughout the month, like I do all the time that I can but I'm going to be updating my how to get started in cybersecurity um video for those of you that are aspiring cybersecurity professionals also be writing some content for the trend micro blog, a um myself and actually a bunch of my colleagues are, are writing articles.
Um We're having new content every week um around different topics to align with the bigger effort of national cybersecurity where this month, excuse me. So tons of great stuff coming out this month. Um I'm here at se uh today and tomorrow, if you're here, please hit me up online uh at Mark NC A.
Um Come talk to me, I'm giving the keynote tomorrow at 9 a.m. So I'll be here uh throughout the day tomorrow uh as well. Talk about that. Um I'm here today. We can talk about anything um really cause that's, you know, regardless of all the stuff we push out for awareness, um all the content, all the videos of the blogs.
Um The really big thing here is to be able to have conversations um because uh and this was a takeaway from my fantastic discussion on the plane. Uh Yesterday was that regardless, there's always gonna be new technology, there's always gonna be new breach, there's always gonna be new attack.
There's always something new, it's a sort of inevitable turning wheel. But what doesn't change that often are the fundamental principles, fundamental principles, fundamental ways of, you know, having how your community functions, things like this are pretty steady. So, and one of those core principles is we learn from each other.
Um And the best way to do that is to engage with each other, to chat, to talk, to work through problems, to seek out those with more knowledge than you, to share your knowledge with those that have less knowledge than you. But everybody has a perspective and each of those perspectives add to the discussion and add to the value there.
So, um with that note, hit me up online at Mark NC A for those of you on the blogs in the comments down below or as always for podcast listeners and everybody else by email me at mark dot ca. I know sometimes I am slow in responding to emails.
Fortunately, that is a great problem to have because it's just due to the volume of great questions I'm getting from you folks. I'm always happy to take the time. I will eventually respond if not hit me up again. Um uh You know, uh youtube comments are a fantastic way to get my attention because the notifications pump right through.
Um But please uh keep reaching out, keep talking, keep sharing amongst yourselves. It's the only way we're gonna get better. Have a fantastic day. I hope to see you here at Seor in Toronto um and talk to you online. I'll see you on the show tomorrow.