Archive 6 min read

Nervous For SXSW

My impressions of my first SXSW and the challenges of getting back on stage after a bit of a break

Nervous For SXSW

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Just double check. This is working right on. All right, sorry, I'm late this morning. Um, because I forgot the number one rule, um is if you're in a rush, uh stuff's gonna need to be updated.

Um So right now you can tell things are a little bit different. I'm not doing my normal um broadcast.

Uh As far as the camera setup and things like that go, I'm actually coming to, you live from Austin, Texas.

I'm down here for South by Southwest. Very exciting. It's my first time ever at the festival and I'm speaking today.

Of course, I plan to be right on time at, uh, at uh 930 Eastern 830 Central here.

But of course, I'm almost 15 minutes late as soon as I unpacked my Mevo cam, which is what I'm on right now and I really like this camera.

Um, it of course, needed an update and that's great. The update solved a lot of the issues I had with it before.

Um, still a couple of little tiny things. Um But inevitably the update took like 56 minutes um on top of trying to get it out and set up and all this kind of thing and da da da, I'm late.

So this is gonna be a short one today because I am on stage in a couple of hours at 11 a.m.

local, uh 12 p.m. Eastern. I'm giving a talk called Rogue Robots and the potential for cyberattack. Um I'm really excited about this talk. Uh It's been a while since I've been on stage giving a dedicated 60 minute breakout session. Um So that's got me a little bit excited and a little bit nervous. Um But more importantly, I'm really excited for this talk because this is an audience um that uh I think is eager for this kind of information but isn't normally exposed to it. So, um South by Southwest, a huge festival, uh There's interactive um which is the part that I'm uh speaking in. I'm speaking in the intelligent futures track in South by Southwest Interactive.

There's also um film, comedy uh and music. So there's a lot of creative people here, a ton of energy and a lot going on the interactive um segment really is the core. Um It's what uh the festival looks towards the future. Um See what's going on um technology, uh lots of start ups. Um Twitter launched here years ago. Um So it's really um a more um it's a bridge between the tech world and the real world, right, in a cool area in a really cool city. Um So it's an interesting festival to start with. Um And this is my first time being here. So, um everything's new. I don't really have anything to compare it to. So I can't tell you if this year is better than last.

Um I can just tell you there's a ton of people downtown Austin, there's a lot going on. Um And it's kind of hard to get your bearing sometimes. So thankfully, they've got a strong mobile app that you can figure out what's going on. Um But uh the reason why I'm excited to give this talk. So this is a on um operational technologies or industrial IIOT. I don't like that term because double IOT doesn't make any sense. Operational technologies are real world um enabled um tech. So uh things like robots, things like healthcare devices, um smart cities, um connected vehicles, all this kind of stuff falls under operational technologies. It's essentially the same as informational technologies, but with real world components, right?

So Infotech, um which is our computers, our smartphones, all that kind of stuff deals with just purely information, operational tech, deals with um physical things in the real world. So um it's an exciting topic. It's one that um I've been looking into a lot more over the last year. It's one that my company uh Trend Micro has been looking into a lot more. Um But what this uh talk is an opportunity is really to talk to an audience that um can make a difference, can make an impact. And I and I ended up talking to um or running into another security researcher here. Um He was talking, uh he and his partner were talking about um building privacy into systems from the ground up.

And he had remarked, uh you know, he did a session on Saturday. He said it went really, really well, he said there was only, you know, about 80 people which kind of had him a little disappointed. Um But, you know, with a festival like this, you're up against a bunch of different opportunities. Um So it's difficult to, to pack people in. But he said the, the quality of the conversations he had with the people afterward was absolutely amazing. And it wasn't quality because they were understanding the depth of the technologies he had been talking about, but because they were looking to actively make a difference. So they said the team said they had five or six people right afterwards who said, listen, I need to implement this today in what I'm building for this city or for this company or for this organization, help me build privacy in.

And that's not a normal reaction. You see when you're giving these kinds of talks at like security conferences because there you're very much preaching to the choir. Um And it's a question of whether they can actually directly impact change. Anyway, this is why we have these perimeter designs and they will say, well, you know, my co my business units, it's a good thing and I'll introduce them to it, but it's not a, it's not a direct conversation. Um, and that's what's really got me excited about this South by talk is that, um, the audience is gonna be filled with, um, business with people, uh executives who are making buying decisions with some um technology savvy folks with the people who are interested in, in industrial robots.

Um but not the day to day sort of traditional security audience. And I love my security community don't get me wrong. Um I think this, I can move the needle more. So when I'm talking at a security conference, like when I'm speaking there, um I very much take a different approach. I approach of like, hey, we all know this baseline, right? Because there's a common vocabulary, common set of understandings. Here's where we need to do to radically change what, how we're approaching this because I don't be doing a job of approaching it as is we um make these adjustments in this type of an audience. I get to highlight and frame a problem that they're not necessarily aware of.

They know security is important. It's a buzzword. It's um a topic of conversation for everybody, but I can actually influence and shape the direction they're going to take to prevent a lot of these problems from being um exposed in the first place. That's got me really excited. Um I'm not sure what to expect. They've got me in a cavernous room. Um based on sessions I've attended, I don't expect it to be full. It would be wonderful. It is. Um But you know, even if there's just one person in the audience that I can connect with and help to illustrate the challenges around industrial robots that are out there today, let alone what's coming down the pipe.

Um uh It's definitely worth it. Um So for me, this is a wonderful experience. It's a new experience. I gotta admit I'm a little more nervous than I normally am. Um Normally I'm pretty cool on stage. I just walk up and uh or at least I feel I'm cool. I just kind of walk up and uh get rolling. Um And there's no real jitters today. Uh A little nervous, a little anxious um just because it's a brand new uh audience um at a pretty prominent festival. So I'm excited about it. I be talking more, more on my site uh today um for tuning in. I appreciate it. It's good to be back on with Mornings with Mark. Um And I hope you guys have a great day.

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