Archive 4 min read

The Hallway Track

When you're at a conference, one of the biggest perks is the "hallway track". The serendipitous run-ins with people you follow online, speakers, or other attendees. If you're not putting yourself out there and meeting some new people, you're doing yourself a disservice

The Hallway Track

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Buddy. All right, a bit of a VVI because I could not hold my arm long enough too used to the tripod. I'm live from the Atlantic Security Conference day two, obviously a bit of a mobile rig. You saw a quick shot of the beautiful Halifax Sky um firing off from the Raspberry uh mobile for audio, um which hopefully is working quite well here.

Um A couple of things I want to talk about and thought in the title. Uh I want to talk about the hallway con. Um This is really con is in conference, not con is in confidence scam. Um This is really what a lot of these conferences are about.

So, um the Atlantic Security Conference has multiple tracks, jam packed full of phenomenal speakers. Um So a good chunk of another talk this morning um by Matt Middleton Software Tester coming into the security world. Sha sharing his educational journey yesterday, I saw phenomenal talks from uh Dave Lewis from Akamai.

Um Ta uh saw Anna Manley um a phenomenal legal um expert and legal mind in uh cybersecurity here in Canada. Um Just great talk after great talk after great talk. Um that's wonderful. And that's really sort of the draw for the conference, but even more important, um you know, is the hallway conversations that you at these conferences.

And I know sometimes people feel a little awkward um about approaching strangers or uh talking to folks they don't know necessarily or kind of recognize maybe from Twitter. Um But this is a huge advantage about being here on site um at a conference like this.

So at the Atlantic Security Conference, there's over 700 people here um split across two floors and, and multiple rooms. We all keep coming back together for break. Um Back here for lunches, things like that. There's a wonderful opportunity to talk, simply explore, see what's going on.

Um get a different perspective, a different point of view. We're all here for the same thing. We're all obviously very interested in cybersecurity, we're interested in technology. Um If you're in a talk with somebody afterwards or waiting for the speaker to start, you have even more in common.

Obviously, something about that title, something about the Abstract, something about the speaker drew you both in. Um Why not just turn and say, hey, I'm Mark. Um This is, uh you know, I'm really excited about this talk or afterwards for the talk saying like, hey, um what's going on?

Um Here you go. Uh Here's, you know, like, wasn't that an interesting point? I just saw a funny comment here on Twitter. Um Wasn't that an interesting point that the speaker made about how they found it challenging to find great educational material.

You know, what I found useful was blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Um That is a huge amount of the value. Um That is unfortunately one of the things that doesn't necessarily translate online um attempts like this live streaming uh follow the Twitter stream.

So um hashtag um a Tlsec Con or, or Ale Secon, which we discussed this morning has really difficult to say. Uh but these are great ways to follow along um sort of the vibe of the conference of what's going on um from afar.

And that's better than nothing. But really, if you're here, if you're not talking to people, if you're not putting yourself out there, you're really doing yourself a disservice because that is the vast majority of, you know, sort of the serendipitous crazy meats of like, oh I talked to so and so, um and I heard, uh you know, really crazy idea and I followed up on it and it seemed really interesting.

Um Good example that was um the speaker's dinner last night. So every year, uh the um team here host the speaker's dinner, all the speakers are invited and um you can get a ticket as an attendee to come and um uh mingle to chat.

Um And some of the discussions were absolutely phenomenal. I met uh a researcher from uh go Secure uh Masa Hera I, I posted out and of course, I can't say her name in English. Um, I posted out her research paper that she was the lead author on, um, uh, this morning on Twitter.

I'll retweet that a few minutes. Um, but, you know, fascinating conversation on how she has a criminology background. She's a threat researcher now and she was tracking down, um, Bitcoin payment networks never would have necessarily stumbled across that.

But, um because, you know, everyone was having a good chat, um talked about her research and she walked me through what she was going on and you know, a big table discussion ensued around the challenges of um tracking payment of the legalities of it, ransomware in general and just a phenomenal amount of energy and ideas uh coming up.

That's really what this stuff is all about. This ties very deeply to what I was talking about yesterday. What Ted was talking about in his keynote um of being educators of sharing. Remember, there's always somebody behind you on the ladder of learning, there's always people ahead of you.

Um If you're not sharing, um if you're not out there engaging, you're missing a huge opportunity. So make sure you put yourself out there, I'm getting back out there so that I can talk to some folks. Um If you see me say hi, uh never shy.

Um despite being sometimes feeling awkward about it, but if you don't put yourself out there, what are you gonna gain? Right? You got nothing to lose. Um, go for it. We'll talk to you soon. Have a great day.

It's Friday. I will talk to you guys on Monday. Enjoy the weekend. If you're here, say hi.

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