Security Cloud Privacy Tech
Workflow, Passwords, and More

Workflow, Passwords, and More

Mornings With Mark no. 0008

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Bad Robot Transcript

Good morning. Sorry I’m a little late this morning. I installed the latest Apple Mac OS update on my term for auto installing regardless that was flying around where people continue this one character and it would die craft certain applications. We talked a little bit about what we talked about.

The last time we talked about online afterwards and thank you for that case is very specific a staircase. Taco today was a couple things found mainly the idea of you everyday and thank you for that are getting something out of the scene a little bit behind my processing a little bit about what I’m thinking about today’s reaction to some news seeing what’s going on in the world of technology through a cyber security through a privacy lens.

For me here was that this is a way for me to get some soft. So quickly video tography really straightforward hit the go-live button talking to the camera and get something out there and get some reaction see where it’s going in order to take that further throughout the day now, unfortunately my schedule and demands from other projects make it really difficult to follow through on an idea at but I’m going to try to show you that in its completion at Maurice’s Mark is a rough cut cedar idea that I’m going to try to take into something more formalized later on throughout the day.

So today is a good example yesterday. We talked a little bit about today. I want to continue that Seaman High like to something cross my desk this morning on his thoughts really interesting and there’s a security researcher in community. Fantastic stuff on his blog Troy hunt. Com link to that below as well.

And he runs the site have I been which is a site where you can check to see if your email address is associated with any breaches. Now as a part of those efforts as part of those efforts, that’s the word. I was looking for a wonderful Treasure Trove of information and a few months back.

He wants a subset service or feature as part of have I been pwned passwords and a data source for developers. If you’re making an application, you can check copper the user enters against the state of ace of known expose passwords so you can tell them hey, I need some good ways of maintaining confidentiality stand holder Parts, but why bring it up today with it just really should be to the password info and it’s you know hundreds of millions of passwords.

And I think that is a wonderful day to source to pull some analytics out of to pull some really interesting tidbits the hopefully right up visual eyes and then post it and not really coming back from showing serve the construction of bad passwords and having a little dated a backup from Troy’s fantastic.

He’s made publicly available to the community. Operations of the process of them trying to shoot for a ticket for this product at the end of it. Of course, I’m not sure if on my agenda outside of robots and Beyond challenges that refers to Consumers around the house, you know, things like that.

Amazon Echo is like smart building and safety van real world. If you’re in the neighborhood topic on throat the spring and summer. I hope I’m still looking at the conference set up there. But obviously I’ll be sharing a video and Marcos CA on Twitter here on Facebook LinkedIn all that happy to talk to you.

So I thank you very much for continue to support the show. I look forward to talking to you today and everyday here on out. Have a great day builders. Good to know if I need to shut off which system self. Have a great day. Good morning. Sorry I’m a little late this morning.

I installed the latest Apple Mac OS update on my term for auto installing regardless that was flying around where people continue this one character and it would die craft certain applications. We talked a little bit about what we talked about. The last time we talked about online afterwards and thank you for that case is very specific a staircase.

Taco today was a couple things found mainly the idea of you everyday and thank you for that are getting something out of the scene a little bit behind my processing a little bit about what I’m thinking about today’s reaction to some news seeing what’s going on in the world of technology through a cyber security through a privacy lens.

For me here was that this is a way for me to get some soft. So quickly video tography really straightforward hit the go-live button talking to the camera and get something out there and get some reaction see where it’s going in order to take that further throughout the day now, unfortunately my schedule and demands from other projects make it really difficult to follow through on an idea at but I’m going to try to show you that in its completion at Maurice’s Mark is a rough cut cedar idea that I’m going to try to take into something more formalized later on throughout the day.

So today is a good example yesterday. We talked a little bit about today. I want to continue that Seaman High like to something cross my desk this morning on his thoughts really interesting and there’s a security researcher in community. Fantastic stuff on his blog Troy hunt. Com link to that below as well.

And he runs the site have I been which is a site where you can check to see if your email address is associated with any breaches. Now as a part of those efforts as part of those efforts, that’s the word. I was looking for a wonderful Treasure Trove of information and a few months back.

He wants a subset service or feature as part of have I been pwned passwords and a data source for developers. If you’re making an application, you can check copper the user enters against the state of ace of known expose passwords so you can tell them hey, I need some good ways of maintaining confidentiality stand holder Parts, but why bring it up today with it just really should be to the password info and it’s you know hundreds of millions of passwords.

And I think that is a wonderful day to source to pull some analytics out of to pull some really interesting tidbits the hopefully right up visual eyes and then post it and not really coming back from showing serve the construction of bad passwords and having a little dated a backup from Troy’s fantastic.

He’s made publicly available to the community. Operations of the process of them trying to shoot for a ticket for this product at the end of it. Of course, I’m not sure if on my agenda outside of robots and Beyond challenges that refers to Consumers around the house, you know, things like that.

Amazon Echo is like smart building and safety van real world. If you’re in the neighborhood topic on throat the spring and summer. I hope I’m still looking at the conference set up there. But obviously I’ll be sharing a video and Marcos CA on Twitter here on Facebook LinkedIn all that happy to talk to you.

So I thank you very much for continue to support the show. I look forward to talking to you today and everyday here on out. Have a great day builders. Good to know if I need to shut off which system self. Have a great day.

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