Cloud · · 46 min read

#LetsTalkCloud: AWS re:Invent 2019 re:Cap

S01E06 - Host, Mark Nunnikhoven, wraps up season 1 with an AWS re:Invent recap. In this episode, Mark flies solo and covers the main announcements from the show and some of the best news that flew under the radar.


An icon representing a document where the bottom half of it has been drawn with a dotted outline, implying a copy This post was originally written for Trend Micro .

Reasonably Accurate 🤖🧠 Transcript

Mark: Good morning, everybody, or afternoon, depending on where you are tuning in from. Um, and thank you very much for tuning in. Uh, my name’s Mark Nunnikhoven.

I’m the VP of Cloud Research at Trend Micro. Um, we are live across three platforms, as is our habit with this series, Less- Let’s Talk Cloud. It would help if I knew the name of the series. Let’s Talk Cloud. Um, you can hit us up on #letstalkcloud, uh, comment live on LinkedIn.

Um, I point down like you guys can see and like you know. Um, I’ve got the display there [laughs]. Uh, got a display here, monitoring things live. Uh, on Twitter #letstalkcloud, on YouTube Events, as always.

[00:04:13] Um, I will be monitoring those as we go throughout this stream, so please, um, make this interactive. Um, you know, fire off your questions. There was an absurd amount of re- uh, que- um, announcements and new stuff that came out at AWS Reinvent last week, as well as leading up to AWS Reinvent.

We’re gonna touch on some of the highlights, maybe steer you to some corners that you weren’t really sure of. Um, but, uh, really absolutely wanna hear, uh, what you guys, um, think, um, and what, uh, is interesting to you.

[00:04:44] Now, I’m just gonna double check the, um, uh, stream here to make sure that we’re good. And let me mute this. Yep, we’re good. Okay, perfect. Always gotta double check. So, we’re always trying different stuff on the stream and that’s the whole point of this stream.

This will be the last stream of 2019 for this series, Let’s Talk Cloud. We are gonna fire up and make it a regular thing in 2020, at least for the first quarter, um, as long as you guys are finding value. I really enjoy doing it and I think we’re bringing some interesting things to you guys.

[00:05:14] Um, thank you for tuning in. I see folks, uh, from around the world. Um, Christa Bell, hi, from, uh, Naiob- uh, Nairobi, uh, in Kenya. Um, Kathryn, thanks for the, the con- confirmation that the audio is good. If you’re wondering why I’m looking down, I’ve got a bit of a different setup. I’ve got my iPad set up in Sidecar, which is interesting.

Um, given that it’s hardwired in with a USB cable, it’s like, “We’re gonna wait for a better signal.” You’re hardwired, you’re not gonna get better. Um, but if I glance down, that’s why, because I’m just monitoring the comments live.

[00:05:45] Uh, hello, [Benesh 00:05:46]. Uh, thanks for joining in. Um, everybody much appreciated. We’ve got, uh, probably 100 people across all the platforms right now. Um, Monique jumping in from Sweden. Fantastic. Uh, love to see it. Uh, let me just pull up the, uh, live here, um, on, um, YouTube, as well.

Uh, Mohammad over on YouTube, uh, we’re gonna be covering a ton of different announcements for, uh, Reinvent, um, and some of the, uh, stuff that, uh, AWS was up to, uh, some of the stuff that Trend got up to. Um, if you excuse me when I’m jumping in and, and typing, uh, I’m trying to keep the, the chats going.

[00:06:22] Uh, Benu, thanks for jumping in from India. Uh, really appreciate it. If you guys have comments, just fire them off, uh, here. LinkedIn’s our main feed, but we will be handling off on Twitter and on YouTube as well.

Um, it is just me, uh, on the screen today, because the entire team is either completely wiped out from an amazing week last week, or completely wiped out and scrambling to catch up and do all the followups from an absolutely great week in Las Vegas for AWS Reinvent.

[00:06:51] Um, Emma, thanks for jumping in. Chen Hang, uh, Abdella, um, Samuel, hi, from Nigeria. Hi, uh, from Canada. That’s where I am right now. Um, thankfully I’m in my office. I got really weird weather going on. It’s not the normal Canadian, um, you know, uh, December where I got tons of snow. I’m hoping that comes back.

Uh, Kai, thanks for jumping in from, uh, from Norway. Um, Elvika, nice to see you from India. Like we said, people- we got people from all around the world here.

[00:07:18] So, uh, let’s jump into to some of what was covered at AWS Reinvent, um, 2019, which was the 8th Reinvent. Now, I’ve been to all of them, um, and let me tell you, this was just nuts. Let me get some of the chrome off of the top here. Perfect. Okay. So, we’re gonna cover, uh, the keynotes.

We’re gonna cover some critical announcements, and we are going to, uh, cover some of the stuff that Trend and, uh, and myself, uh, what we all got up to. Um, Sasha from Croatia, hello. Hi, from Tokyo, uh, Bangladesh. I love it. People from around the world.

[00:07:53] So, uh, obviously not all of you made it to Vegas. My goal here is to help bring some of, uh, AWS Reinvent to you. And uh, that really starts with… Let me just make sure we’re starting from the beginning. There we go. Let’s start with, uh, the keynotes.

Okay, so there were four major, major keynotes, okay? Now, for those of you that aren’t familiar, AWS is by far the leader in Cloud. Uh, basically those big three in Cloud providers is AWS, Google, uh, Cloud Platform, as well as Microsoft’s Azure. AWS Reinvent is AWS’s major conference to cover all the stuff to do with their Cloud. And that is where you’re getting, um, pay-per-use computing asset on demand from the internet. Um, very, very, uh, handy.

[00:08:35] Um, so what we’re talking about is the four major keynotes that they started with. Now, this is starting with Monday Night Live, with Peter DeSantis, then Andy Jassy, the CEO gave, uh, orders to take… Peter is the VP of Infrastructure, um, for, um, uh, in customer support for AWS. Uh, Andy Jassy is the CEO. He gave a keynote.

Then Doug Yeum gave a keynote on Wednesday with the Global Partner Summit. And then Dr. Vogels, uh, the Amazon and AWS CTO gave his keynote on, um, Thursday.

[00:09:06] So, uh, hi, Glenn Mark. Hi, uh, Natish, uh, jumping in from Philippines, jumping in from India. Love it. So, let’s just jump right in. We got these four keynotes to cover. Um, they were very interesting and a lot of people were actually kind of disappointed with the keynotes this year, because AWS Reinvent is known for just a mountain of announcements, and I think some people were kind of disappointed. Um, but you shouldn’t be, because there’s some absolutely critical takeaways here.

[00:09:29] So, let’s start on the left, um, with Peter DeSantis. So, Peter DeSantis, again, VP of Infrastructure. He started to introduce… Whoop, get back there. He started to introduce some interesting things, uh, like the, uh, Nitro Subsystem. Now, the Nitro Subsystem is what AWS called their layer, um, that delivers the stuff that we consume as builders.

So, there’s a ton of stuff there that you’ll never deal with the Nitro System directly. You just get some of the goodness. But it was interesting, because all four keynotes, or three of the four keynotes covered the Nitro System in different ways.

[00:10:00] So, the way Peter did was to explain, uh, the introduction of this new elastic fabric adapter. Now, that is something that you’re gonna be able to touch. Uh, but most of the time, you probably won’t require it, because it is, um, designed around high performance computing.

However, that’s an indicator that it’s gonna trickle down, because it’s really about, um, getting around, uh, the fact that TCP has a lot of overheard. So, with the elastic fabric adapter, uh, this, uh, reduces the overhead to give you better performance. Um, and the first 40 minutes of, uh, Peter’s hour and a half keynote were covering super computers, or high performance computing, HPC.

[00:10:40] Now, the interesting thing with HPC is that there is a ton of, um, really cool computer science requirements to get to scale. Um, and so Peter was covering a bunch of this stuff and why it mattered. So for us, one of the big keys is that reduction in networking overhead, um… Raul, uh, Drageslauv, thanks for jumping in. Manuba, thanks for, uh, for chiming in here. Really appreciate it.

Keep the questions coming in the, uh, in the LinkedIn chat here, guys. If you, uh, if you have them, um, or on, uh, YouTube or on, um, Twitter, uh, and happy to, happy to, to answer those as we go.

[00:11:16] So, back to Peter. Uh, he was covering, uh, super computers. If you’re into super computers, watch the first, uh, 40 mins of that keynote. Again, I dropped a link at the very start of the, uh, live here, uh, with all of the references that I’m gonna talk about, and I’ll cover that a couple more times.

Um, actually I’ll drop that for you right here. Um, here’s all the references for today. I made them in a Gist in GitHub, so you can just go to them. And uh, including the links to the keynotes.

[00:11:46] So really cool thing around HPC, HPC, how to scale up, how to… Um, the challenges around driving, um, modeling at scale. So, Peter was talking about things like computational fluid dynamics. Now, if you’re already, like, not sure what’s going on, really it’s about modeling things at scale. So, how, um, the weather service, um, models the planet. That’s kind of big. How F1 racing models, um, aerodynamic, uh, flow, as well as down force in racing cars. Again, super cool.

[00:12:15] And this all led to a challenge where, um, traditional, um, traditional computation, uh, we have a CPU or a central processing unit, and which is a generic processor. It can handle computation, but it’s not really optimized for any one thing. It’s kind of optimized for everything. Um, and that’s not bad, but that’s also not great. So, uh, what you wanna do is have some specialized processing.

So, we have that with a GP or a graphics processing unit. If you guys are PC gamers, you guys know this already. Basically what it is, graphics processing is designed to do better graphics.

[00:12:51] Uh, and we see that primarily when it comes to games. But now there’s this also… We’re going into specialized processing. Google announced this a couple years ago. AWS is continuing to innovate on it. Uh, we see it in our smartphones with specialized processors. Um, now AWS announced, uh, or re-announced, uh, their Inferentia chip, which is gonna- designed to drive faster machine learning times.

Now, that’s really cool if you’re into machine learning. Um, if you’re at the really low level with a deep, uh, learning AMMI, uh, then you can take advantage of it right away. If not, it’s gonna trickle up into SageMaker and into the other stuff.

[00:13:25] Um, and then Peter closed his keynote by talking about sustainability. AWS is currently at the point where they generate more energy than they consume, uh, through green projects around the world, which is kind of cool. Uh, so that’s Peter’s keynote on Monday. If you’re highly technical, if you like to know how AWS works behind the scenes, that’s the keynote for you.

Check that one out. Um, the, uh… Hi, Hendricks. Uh, thanks for tuning in from, uh, I’m assuming the office in Houston. Um, hopefully this is helpful. If you have questions, guys, just, uh, just fire them off here, uh, on the chat. I’m happy to answer them as we go in the flow.

[00:13:59] Uh, Andy came out and talked about cultural transformation. Now, unfortunately on the YouTube channel, you’re not gonna see his little musical interludes. He had a house band playing, uh, sort of key clips of songs. And for copyright reasons, they can’t put that on YouTube, so they, they cut it out. It makes it a little bit awkward in certain places. There’s about six of them.

[00:14:16] Um, but Andy was talking about cultural transformation and how that’s really important to taking advantage of AWS. And I find a lot of people kind of going, “Ugh, whatever. Like, it’s a technology platform. Let me just use the tech.” Andy’s point, uh, which I 100% agree with, is you can’t use the tech if you don’t change your culture.

You can’t use the tech to its, uh… I should say you can’t use your tech to the fullest extent, unless you’re changing your culture, um, because basically what you end up is this amazing power, uh, and really useful services that you’re still using in a very basic manner.

[00:14:46] And it’ll work. You can absolutely do whatever you’re doing today on premises in the AWS Cloud and it’ll still work, but that’s kind of like, you know, taking a race car to drop the kids off at school. Sure, you’ll get them there, but it’s probably a tight and cramped ride and you’re, you know, never getting out of first gear. Uh, that’s not productive.

[00:15:02] So, one of the things Andy popped up, um, was talking about the leadership and compute for AWS. Um, that included containers and how they’re a part of the AWS strategy. That also introduced, uh, the new Graviton processors or V2 of the Graviton processors.

Um, which are the arm-based processors, which are really cool, because they’re lower power and, uh, can be a better solution, um, cost wise and performance wise overall, because you scale out instead of up with those. Um, very, very cool.

[00:15:28] He also talked about the, um, he talked about the difference in, um, mo- moving away from mainframes, traditional databases and windows to embrace a new way of doing things. And again, reinforced, um, on the, uh, data lakes, um, for a go-to solution for data. Um, Renny, I see your comment there.

Uh, what are you looking for specifically? I’m just giving an overview right now of the keynote, then we’re gonna dive into some specific aspects of those keynotes, and then the deep, uh, deeper dive into the analysis. I’m actually gonna play with a few, uh, onscreen and walk you through them. Um, if that’s not gonna hit the need, no worries.

If there’s something else I can do, let me know, um, because obviously this- uh, these kinds of streams are really driven by you guys. Uh, so if, uh, if I’m going down a different direction, let me know and I’ll readjust and come back, uh, towards your path.

[00:16:10] Um, Doug Yeum, Yeum, gave the global partner keynote. Uh, if you’re not a partner, don’t worry about it. You can skip this one. Uh, basically it’s just about how partner networks, so Trend Micro’s a partner, um, how APN, uh, the partner network, uh, continues to grow.

It’s there to help you. Uh, drives things like the marketplace. Uh, the Competency Program will help you builders pick through, um, which partners are available.

[00:16:31] Um, and then finally we got to Werner’s keynote on Thursday. Now this one I know a lot of people pushed back on hard, because Werner made one announcement, one new feature, one new service. Um, and it was a really interesting one.

We’ll cover it in a second. But again, he used the Nitro Subsystem as an example of how AWS has gone from a traditional approach to a modern approach. He talked about using cell based architectures to reduce your blast radius to make resilient designs.

[00:16:54] Uh, Claire Legori came up and, uh, showed how Fargate has come along, um, and really shown some great, uh, integration with containers. Um, and then again, a, a general sort of summary of, um, how modern designs and thinking different, uh, will really deliver, uh, a better approach, um, to, um, modern- uh, to leveraging the power in the AWS Cloud.

And I think that’s a key thing, is that if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, you’re not gonna get what you want out of the cloud.

[00:17:25] So, those are the big four keynotes. Interesting. Um, like I said, uh, basically for watching them, if you really like how AWS works, watch Peter’s general overview. Some cool new stuff, Andy’s. If you’re a partner, watch Doug’s. Um, if you wanna talk about building and modernizing your development efforts and, and architectures, Werner’s.

[00:17:43] Uh, so, let’s go to the next slide here. Uh, so for Andy, he hit on a few things for successful transformation. I’ll just build this out, because I think it’s absolutely critical. Uh, basically getting senior team, uh, on- uh, in line. Get them convinced that this is the way to go, and set some sort of crazy aggressive goal.

Because if you go, “Well, we’d like to be there in four years,” you’re never gonna make that transition. It’s gonna be excuses, excuses, excuses. So, setting some sort of top down goal that’s aggressive, but realistic.

[00:18:12] Um, and then invest heavily in your people. Uh, this example is a- this week is a fantastic example of how to keep up. It’s really, really hard. You need to make a consistent investment as an organization in your people, to give them the chance to catch up, to give them the chance to learn, to make sure that they are on board in being able to take advantage of this stuff.

[00:18:31] And then finally, basically jump in. Um, don’t overanalyze things. Don’t keep waiting and waiting and waiting. Uh, you can do this incrementally. This is not an all or nothing strategy. You just need to start and then move forward.

Uh, things like the cloud adoption framework can help you out. Um, I covered that actually in, uh, both talks that I gave, uh, last week. So, that was Andy’s four keys for transformation.

[00:18:53] Um, and then we get to Werner. So, there’s a few things I pulled out of Werner’s keynote that I think are really interesting. Uh, the big one is, uh, you know, he loves these quotes. He didn’t change shirts as many times.

Normally he changes his T-shirt to keep us guessing about who’s the musician, uh, or the musical act for the party at the end of the week. Um, didn’t go that, that route this year, but he did have a bunch of great slides and great quotes. And one was, “There’s no compression algorithm for experience.”

Basically, you gotta do it, you gotta get your feet wet, and you’ve gotta start working to make this work for you.

[00:19:22] Um, security was a huge theme, even though people were like, “There were no security announcements.” Yeah, but he was talking about security in context of building, and a key point of that was, “How do you build trusted computing in an un-trusted world?”

And he had some really interesting announcements around there, like Nitro Enclaves and stuff like that. Um, trust nobody, encrypt by default.

[00:19:40] And then innovations, uh, and really coming when you break down assumed constraints. So, he had a really interesting example of how they scaled the database out, um, to millions and millions, um, of, uh, different areas. Uh, and that, uh, didn’t, um, work so well. Um, so it was, uh, you know, it was interesting. They had to go back to the drawing board and rethink.

[00:20:04] Uh, so we just got a little thing from Brian. Uh, Brian, we can’t minimize the chat area in LinkedIn. That’s how LinkedIn presents it. Um, it’s just side by side. Uh, the only thing I’ve got up on my screen is the slides and a little bit of me in the corner.

Um, so I tried to maximize it as much as possible. Um, but you can kind of resize your browser if you guys are having that problem, where you’ve got too much LinkedIn.

[00:20:23] Um, you can move it- or, uh, you can scale browser bigger, um, or, uh, if you hit the, uh… Yeah, you can’t even, you can’t even hide that, which is unfortunate. Um, so let me scale back here [crosstalk 00:20:34]. There we go. Um, so unfortunately, that’s just sort of the, the LinkedIn interface.

Um, so basically you just need to get bigger in your browser window, um, or flip to mobile. If you go in the mobile client, the, uh, comments actually get overlaid.

[00:20:46] So, back to Werner, basically saying you need to adjust what you’re doing, because if you continue to build like you used to build, you’re not gonna get the advantages, uh, that you want and a, sort of a continued theme for Werner is, uh, building well.

So, the well architected framework, um, and then finally, uh, also cell based architecture. So, making sure things are little autonomous units, and if one goes out, you don’t take down the whole system. Um, I put some links in the Gist, uh, to help you guys, uh, to cover those, because they’re a really different way of thinking things, but some really interesting innovation’s happening.

[00:21:17] Also on Werner’s, I had a couple tweets, uh, that I just wanted to remember some stuff, which was really interesting. Um, you know, at one point, Werner was talking about DOM zero, which is the, um, root user in a hypervisor. So, the thing that creates all the virtual machines are instances.

Um, you know, he said, you, you know, “No DOM zero in the Nitro Hypervisor, because they built it.” Um, and everyone actually clapped and Werner just stopped and he went, “Oh, oh, oh, okay.” Um, I think that was- for me, that was a really happy moment, because people are taking security very seriously. Um, and I think Werner was kind of surprised that it came, came out that way.

[00:21:46] Um, and then also, uh, you know, this- the tweet on the right from me, um, I think is a key one here. It’s- Werner was talking about security, um, and, you know, how they built in the AWS. And the AWS is probably one of the most friendly developer environments out there. Um, and for me that was a validation, that you can build strong secure systems with getting all the business innovation and, and agility you want.

You just have to think about it from the start and build it all the way through. If you try to bolt it on at the end, you’re gonna end up with something that is not nearly as useful.

[00:22:14] Um, and then a key takeaway from, from Werner was again, you know, building distributed systems at scale, or at any scale is really hard. It’s absolutely hard, hard, hard. So, uh, part of that was, he introduced, um, the new… I have it here somewhere.

Uh, I will pull it up for you. I do not have it open as a tab. Builders Library. Excuse my Googling. So, he introduced this, the brand new, uh, Amazon Builder’s Library, and that was the quote that introduced it, which was essentially, “Here’s a set of lessons that we’ve learned.”

[00:22:54] Um, you know, it starts off with this quote from Charlie. Uh, but then there’s a few architectures in here. It’s talking about- or papers talking about the challenges around various things, and it’s based on what AWS has learned.

This is a phenomenal resource that is only gonna grow over time, that is essentially AWS teaching comp-sci and operations to the rest of us.

[00:23:14] Um, now, obviously we’re not at AWS’s scale [laughs], but there is a ton of lessons to be learned in here. Um, so, like, avoiding queue backlogs, that’s huge. A lot of us deal with that. Um, rollback safety, that’s good. So, it’s definitely worth the time to sift through the Builder’s Library. Like I said, there’s I think 15 entries right now and there’ll be more coming soon.

Um, I’ve had a chance to talk to a bunch of folks arou- who’ve offered this kind of stuff. Really smart people who’ve learned some really hard lessons, and they’ve written it up so that we don’t have to, uh, relearn those. Uh, that’s absolutely critical. Again, the link’s in the Gist. Don’t worry about, uh, that. Of course I had it on a slide, that’s why I didn’t have it on a tab.

[00:23:54] Uh, so let’s talk about some announcements, and I think this’ll be a little bit more fun. Let me just double check on some, uh, on the comments here. Uh, okay. I’ll take this opportunity again to post the links.

There we go. So, the links are in the Gist again, so you can follow along. But the announcements, this is what you’re all here for. This is what’s interesting. Um, well, I hope the rest of the stuff’s interesting too. If not, let me know down in the comments.

[00:24:28] Uh, so here is actually a map that I built out last night. Um, because I thought this would be really, really interesting. This is every announcement AWS has made since they started Reinvent in 2012. If we look at the bottom, uh, left, you’ve got 2012 starting in week zero.

So, they numbered the weeks, uh, 52 weeks in the year, um, and you can see the little dots are the volume of announcements. So, the more dots- the bigger the dot, the more announcements they made.

[00:24:54] And the reason why I pulled this together was because I wanted to see if this concept of pre-Invent was actually true, if there was something to it. And a bunch of us in the community have noticed that AWS is making more and more announcements leading up to Reinvent than actually at Reinvent.

And this was the first year where, uh, that was actually true. And I’ll show you the data, uh, in a minute. Um, but, uh, uh, we’ve had in previous years… Uh, and last year we actually had post-Reinvent, where a bunch of stuff squeezed out, um, comparatively.

[00:25:22] So, if we look here at the top line, you can see the most bubbles. AWS made the most announcements this by far. Um, but you can obviously spot where Reinvent is. I’ve also labeled it with the orange triangles, showing you which week, uh, Reinvent actually happened.

But 2019’s interesting, because it’s just a blurb. It’s just a bunch of bubbles for the weeks around Reinvent. Um, and I break that down on the next slide to show you the specifics.

[00:25:43] But pre-Invent never used to be a thing. Um, and now it is very much a thing. It started really in 2015. You can see in the middle of the chart where we have a reasonably sized bubble, then Reinvent again. Um, and then it really kicked into effect in 2016, ’17, ’18, and 2019’s been the biggest pre-Invent year yet.

Let me show you why. Um, here we go. So, this is this year. Uh, we had 38 announcements kicking off November, then 52, 96, 123 announcements for pre-Invent, the week before Reinvent. And then only 68 during Reinvent. That’s just how it is now.

[00:26:17] I actually prefer it this way and also don’t prefer it this way. The reason why I prefer it is because it lets AWS focus on fewer things at deeper quality during the week. It also helps, um, AWS, uh, make those kind of keynotes that I think are absolutely critical, where Andy’s talking about transformation, Werner’s talking about adjusting your, um, architectural and, uh, systematic approach to building.

[00:26:41] Those are messages I think people need to hear from the main stage, as opposed to just, “Here’s a new thing, here’s a new thing, here’s a new thing.” So, um, it would be nice to have a little bit bigger announcements during Reinvent, um, but fewer of them. But I agree with pre-Invent. But yeah, it’s a real thing. The numbers back it up. Pre-invent is absolutely a real thing.

[00:26:58] Um, so let’s look at some interesting announcements. So, the first one up is S3, uh, Access, uh, Points, as well as the IAM access analyzers. So, uh, I will show you that right now. Now, I have a demo account, uh, that I’m gonna walkthrough, so don’t worry if you see anything sensitive on the screen.

It’s just an absolute, uh, just throwaway account. Um, I also chuckle, uh, because I had the Builder’s Library up. I had it just as my first tab. It was hidden by some stuff.

[00:27:27] So, the first thing to look at is the IAM analyzer. Now, this is a, uh, new feature in IAM. It is free. Gratis. Nada. Doesn’t cost you a thing. Uh, don’t judge me. This is a throwaway account. That’s why there’s no multifactor off on the root account.

Um, that’s why I’ve also got these warnings in here. In, in your normal account, if it’s a developer, if it’s test, if it’s anything other than an absolute trash public demo account, this is bad in the middle [laughs]. You wanna make sure that you have MFA on the root account, that you’ve cleared off all these security status things.

That should be your number one priority. Again, we’re making an exception, because this is literally a throwaway account.

[00:28:06] On the right- uh, left hand side, you can see here under access reports, we have access analyzer. If we click access analyzer, that is gonna give us a detailed Gist of what- how it works. Create an analyzer, review the findings, do something about them. I like these landing pages.

The first time you use AWS services, I think they’re extremely useful, because they get that concept across to you really, really quick. For our case here, what we’re gonna do is click the blue create analyzer button. That is gonna walk us through a number of settings. You don’t have to change any of them at all. They work just as is.

[00:28:41] You can give it a name if you want. Uh, console analyzer and then a big GUID, or, glo- uh, globally- global universal identifier, GUID, uh, is good enough. You don’t care. You’re never gonna reference this name in, in the cur- in the life of it.

Uh, the current account, this is own the trust. That’s fine. You can add tags. Tags are always useful. Um, and then just click the blue analyzer. Just click create analyzer. You’re good. Ignore the rest of the stuff.

[00:29:06] Um, what I love is after this, uh, finishes generating, it’s just gonna take a second, and it’s gonna give you the results right away, if you have any. Being an absolute… Uh, so you can see that it’s still scanning resources. Scanning of resources complete. There’s nothing in this account that’s a problem.

Yay. That’s because there’s nothing in this account. Uh, but realistically what you get here, uh, is a finding ID, which is a reference to the finding. You get a resource, it’ll say, “Mark’s account from, uh, you know, Mark’s real production account, uh, or the resource…” Sorry. It’ll say the bucket. So, Mark’s Bucket.

The external principle will say, you know, “George’s account.” Uh, the condition and the access level. So, it’ll say, you know, “George’s account, which is outside of this account, has, um, right access, uh, all the time.”

[00:29:51] So, these are giving you an ability to kind of go through and see who has access to what. Now, access analyzer works for anything that has a resource policy. So, uh, buckets, um, buckets are the big one. Uh, there’s a bunch of other… Uh, there’s about six that have, uh, resource policies that it will find.

If you run this on a real account and those are the steps to run it, that’s all it took, um… Hey, Victor. Thanks for jumping in from, uh, from Phoenix.

[00:30:17] Um, the- it- 15 seconds. We actually ran this. It- that’s how long it takes in production as well, and it’ll give you a re- a set of resources that you can review to figure out whether or not that’s something you want. So, if you have external access, if there’s other AWS services accessing your buckets or your resources, you may or may not want that one handy place to check it out.

[00:30:36] I’m very happy to announce as well, um, as part of our Cloud One Platform, uh, Conformity, uh, that’s from our Cloud Conformity acquisition, they were a launch partner for this service. Um, so they’re building in support for it right out of the bat- uh, out of the gate, which is really cool.

But yeah, that, that was it. I know I’m not showing you any results, which is kind of boring. Um, but realistically, it’s just that simple. If you go to the link I put in the Gist, uh, for access analyzer, which is in here somewhere, uh, access analyzer. Now let’s open that up.

[00:31:07] So, when you go to the access analyzer one, you’ll see a, um… Of course there’s not on that one. The blog post for access analyzer actually has a screenshot of results, but it’s really that simple. You don’t need anything more than that. Um, just to get, uh, an idea of what to access in your buckets and who has the ability to do so.

[00:31:24] So, very simple first one there. The second one is, uh, data access points for S3. Uh, again very, very simple. Instead of, previously for A to- or for S3, you had, uh, four ways to authenticate.

People really use two of them. IAM, which is identity in the access management, um, and bucket policies. For bucket policies, um, you could set up and say, “Hey, anybody under these conditions can access this bucket.” For IAM, you could say, “Mark’s allowed to access this bucket.”

[00:31:50] Uh, what we have now is the idea of an access point. So, if I got into, uh, S3… Let me make this bigger and more readable. Uh, do-do-do. Almost. It’s not gonna scale up for me. It’s as scaled as it can go. So, this is just standard S3. Click on a bucket.

You’ll see this new access points, uh, access points, uh, tab, click on that and, uh, you’ll list your access points. We’re gonna create one right now.

[00:32:18] Uh, the idea here behind access points… Uh, livestream demo. Is, instead of making one policy that’s super complicated, uh, you can create individual routes into the bucket for different uses.

Uh, in this case… Uh, you gotta love when it says things like, “Can’t contain uppercase characters,” because ooh, uppercase. Hard to deal with uppercase.

[00:32:41] Um, we’re gonna create livestream demos, the access point name. You wanna name these, uh, for the task you’re trying to solve. So, I could say, you know, “Doug’s access from, uh, the US office,” something like that.

Uh, then virtual private cloud or the internet. So, you can set them across the internet. So, if you have customers… Uh, like, let’s say you have a mobile app and people need to upload stuff directly into S3, that’s an awesome use for a data point.

[00:33:05] So, we could say from the internet. Uh, and instead of blocking all public access, um, we can do it granular. So, instead of going across the entire bucket, we can make it specific to the access point. And then we need an access, access point policy.

Now, the policies get kinda clunky if you click on the explain the policy button. Uh, you come to here and you get into your normal JSON Blobs. Okay?

[00:33:26] Now, these can be kind of difficult to crack through, but they are relatively straightforward. So, if I roll down… This is a simple policy right here. Basically what this says is, “Anybody is allowed to get an object.” So to get an object out of this bucket, um, the example bucket and through this endpoint.

So, we’ve created a special endpoint and we’re allowing anybody to read that bucket. That’s a good way to create public access, um, but you can get far more granular than that.

[00:33:53] Let me scroll down a bit and show you an example. Um, so this is, uh, an example. Here we go. This allows Alice to get an object and put an object into this bucket. Now, access points aren’t anything new, as far as enabling access in.

They’re an easier way to make existing conditions. Let me repeat that. They don’t add new functionality. What they add- al- allow you to do is basically make it easier to segment existing permission setups or create… You know, so you’re not being able… No new permissions have been granted here.

[00:34:28] They make it easier to organize who needs to do what to your S3 buckets. S3 buckets are always a problem for managing permissions. Access points makes it far easier, because you can create an access point for each type of access required in that bucket, especially if they are being accessed from the internet.

I would say with a strong conviction, anytime you have a bucket that needs to be accessed directly from the in- internet, it should be going through an access point. It gives you, uh, clear- clarity and it gives you a little easier way to, um, organize those permissions and to keep track of them. Okay?

[00:34:59] So, that’s, uh, S3, uh, data access points. Let me just clear this out a little bit and get back to my slides. So that was really, really cool. IAM access, uh, analyzer is free. Access points I think are, are low cost. Double check the price on those, but definitely worth it if there is any cost associated with them.

[00:35:15] Um, second in the interesting set of announcements. These were all pre-Invent. There was about four of them. Uh, Amazon Athena got a whole lot more interesting. Athena is a query service labeled on top of S3. Basically it allows you to query your data without moving it out of S3.

But Athena just added the ability to query a whole bunch of other data sources, as well. Which means now you can get more and more stuff, uh, into your single queries, and then present those queries out as their own databases. Very, very cool.

[00:35:43] Um, S3 is the foundation for your data lake. Athena is the next layer right on top of it, okay? If you haven’t been checking out Athena and you are working with a huge amount of data or creating a data lake, excuse me, you absolutely should be checking that out, because it’s extremely useful.

Um, very, very powerful, very, very, uh, reasonable cost for what it is. When you look at the pricing for Athena, you go, “Whoa, that’s expensive. That’s querying a ton of data.”

[00:36:08] The idea with Athena is you use Athena to create a new set of data and save the output, um, so that you query a subset moving forward. That will reduce your cost 80% right out of the gate. So, if you have a massive chunk of data, query it once to get a smaller chunk of data and then do multiple queries on that.

It will reduce your cost on Athena. And once you get that- the hang of that, um, you’ve got a wicked, wicked new tool in your tool belt.

[00:36:32] SageMaker. Uh, there’s an entire chunk of Andy’s keynote, um, good 20 minutes where he just goes, “Hey, this is new, this is new, this is new, this is new, this is new, this is new.” Basically I covered this in my stream leading up to Reinvent.

There’s three layers of machine learning. There’s the deep learning, um, AMI, which is, uh, most of you will never touch and never should touch. There’s the very high level, uh, machine learning services, like, Translate, Transcribe, poly-recognition. You give it something, it runs machine learning on it and you get results back.

[00:37:02] Then there’s this middle layer, where, uh, you’re- more people are starting to get involved and I think way more people are gonna get involved now with SageMaker and SageMaker, all the announcements, uh, there’s an ID, there’s testing, there’s profiling, there’s auto ML, which is the big, big, big one.

Um, Julien Simon, uh, from AWS is their, uh, Chief Evangelist or Elite Evangelist For Machine Learning Globally. Um, I will add his stuff to the Gist. I don’t think I added it yet this morning. He’s got some great stuff breaking down, um, the new SageMaker, uh, announcements, because essentially auto ML lets you point SageMaker at your data and say, “What, what should I start? Where should I start? What should I do?”

[00:37:37] Um, and then SageMaker will come back and run 50 different models and say, “Here’s where I think you should be going, but fine tune it.” So, it’s really jumping you up a few steps in the ladder, and then adding the debugging and the profiling, running experiments, all that kind of stuff. Really amazing.

If SageMaker’s introduction made machine learning 10 times easier, the improvements this year did another 10x improvement on, on the service and the ability for you to leverage machine learning in your environment. So, insanely powerful, really, really important stuff.

[00:38:05] Um, back on the security track. Uh, two sneaky, sneaky announcements. Well, one older one and one new one. Um, you can now define, uh, tag policies. Uh, so, what must be tagged, how it must be tagged.

And then you can tie that to IAM or access, uh, identity and access management permissions. And there’s a great talk and I will add that. I gotta write these notes down. So, I gotta add the Julien stuff to the Gist. I’ll do that after the stream.

[00:38:27] Um, and then, uh, also, uh, Becky, uh, Wice… Or no, Bridget Johnson. Bridget Johnson from AWS gave a phenomenal talk on resource, uh, tagging. Um, I’ll add that into the Gist as well, because with tag policies forcing things to be tagged and then resource tag permission based, assigning granular permissions, applying the principle of these permissions got significantly easier in the AWS Cloud in the last two months.

You need to make- uh, take advantage of it, and it’s a great Q1 project for you, um, to, uh, really, uh, firm up your security practice. A little bit of an investment now. Huge return, uh, forever more, which is a win, right?

[00:39:05] Another set of sentiment is, uh… Oh, we covered that one already. And there we go. Okay. So, Cloud Watch. Uh, everybody’s favorite three services hiding as one, Cloud Watch metrics, logs, and events. Three services under the same umbrella. Uh, Cloud Watch [00:39:20] metrics got a ton of enhancements.

They added new metrics, um, they added insights to profilings and what they’re calling synthetics. Um, synthetics are really canaries. So, essentially saying, “If this metric drops below a certain area, freak out. Let me know.” Um, come and, uh, hit me up. Um, [French 00:39:39].

[00:39:39] Um, so, uh, that’s absolutely critical for monitoring for observability and traceability. Check out Amazon Cloud Watch Synthetics. It’s a great… I mean, the name makes sense, but I like the… The code name for it was Canaries.

Um, and that made way more sense, because it was like, “Oh, if this goes, then…” I mean, it’s a morbid reference to mining, but I mean, it makes sense as a, as a tool for operations and DevOps observability, all that stuff. Definitely worth checking out. Again, that’s in the links already.

[00:40:09] Um, and, uh, Cloud Guru. So, let me show you… Uh, Code Guru, sorry. Uh, Code Guru is a new machine learning service. So, we talked about this high level machine learning services. You give it something, you get, uh, get results back.

Hi, Pablo. Thanks, uh, for joining. Um, so for Code Guru, uh, it looks at your code, uh, does- um, throws it through a bunch of machine learning models that AWS is trained on their own code, as well as 10,000 open source projects on GitHub.

[00:40:35] Um, and the idea is to find expensive lines of code, so things that are taking too long, um, things that are, um, causing issues that are generating problems. Now, it’s available in preview, so I can’t dive into it yet, um, but if I click on this one, I’ll show you… So, here’s a great example of what it did.

So in this case, um, it analyzed this lay- this, uh, lines of code. So, 134 to 138 and, uh, it generated this, uh, issue in a, uh, in a, um, GitHub repository. This is all from the service. The service looked at the code as part of the build process and said, “Hey, you’re using a concurrent hatch map, but your usage of Git and Put isn’t thread safe.” So, if you’re doing concurrent threads, it’s probably gonna have a problem.

[00:41:19] Um, here’s what can happen. Two threads can perform the same check at the same time, and one of them can override the other one. Here’s a fix. Considering Put- uh, replacing Put with Put If Absent. This is phenomenal stuff. And this is completely generated by the machine learning model.

[00:41:35] Now, this can be a little expensive, but the AWS is tying this directly to the value it’s generating. So, it seems expensive, but it’s really saving you a ton of work in the backend. Um, when this gets out of preview, it’s gonna be really, really exciting, because they are also including, uh, security checks on your code.

Um, so if you’re running buffer overflows, uh, if you’re, um, you know, making some common mistakes around security, uh, Amazon Code Guru can track that down for you. Um, which is really, really interesting stuff.

[00:42:05] I’m excited to see… And I hate that menu in the webpage. I apologize for that. It gets me every time. I’m really excited to see where Code Guru goes. Uh, I hope it’s a short preview, uh, because I think the potential for this is absolutely massive. I love that they’ve been training on a bunch of open source projects, as well.

Um, but the way this integrates in, and I was talking with the team, the way this integrates into your workflow, amazing. Um, it’s very reminiscent in that u- user interface, not on its findings, um, with our friends over at Snyk.

[00:42:34] So, Snky, uh, looks for vulnerabilities and raises those up to keep you up-to-date. Code Guru’s looking at bad, uh, coding practices in your code, not in third-party code. That’s the difference there. Um, and Code Guru, so again, the- these… If you’re running both these tools together, you’re gonna really, uh, increases the quality of your code.

And we know that, uh, security generally is resulting in poor- from poor code quality. Um, a tool like Amazon Code Guru can really, really help out there.

[00:43:02] So, uh, back to this. So, Code Guru, very, very cool. Um, VPC ingress routing. Horrible name, fantastic thing. Uh, ingress routing is essentially, allows you, uh, to simplify some of your, uh, network configurations by pushing everything that’s coming into your VPC through a common point.

Um, so, uh, again, Trend Micro’s a proud, uh, launch partner for this one. Um, our network security product, uh, lets you throw everything in- that’s coming into your VPC through an intrusion prevention system. It’s a very simple, easy configuration to do. Um, anything that simplifies networking, I am a huge fan of. Ingress routing is definitely worth checking out.

[00:43:38] Um, and then, uh… I already have that one. That one should have actually been the Transit Gateway Visualizer. So, there is a new Transit Gateway Visualizer, and I definitely did throw that into the, um, into the Gist, uh, that you can see. Uh, very, very cool, um, way to visualize what’s going on in your network.

So, uh, AWS Transit Gateway Network Visualizer, zero cost. It, uh- I think it went GA. If not, it’s in a preview, uh, but I’m pretty sure it went GA right off the bat. Go to Transit Gateway in the console. You’ll be able to actually see, visually mapping out point to point what’s going on.

[00:44:13] Uh, last announcement I wanted to talk about before I get into what I was up to, what Trend was up to, uh, was Deep Composer. Super, super cool. Um, it is a, uh, keyboard. A machine learning, uh, based keyboard. It’s this guy. It is a little tiny midi keyboard. I literally haven’t even opened mine up.

So, I’m gonna un-box it right here. So, it is this guy, uh, and its goal is to help teach you a very cool aspect of machine learning. Okay? Very cool. Just a simple little, uh, synth. It’s a two octave, two octave little keyboard. Lots of cool little things to help, uh, adjust the pitch and modulation. So, uh, you know, not a full piano, but very, very interesting.

[00:45:06] Um, a bunch of the heroes cracked this thing open [laughs], uh, over the course of the announcement. Um, even if you don’t have the hardware, which will be available from for $100 U.S., uh, you can use a midi keyboard, or any sort of midi instrument from the looks of things.

We’re still working on hacking that in the backend, um, but it should be available, uh, for anybody to play if you have a normal instrument, because I’ve got, like, a piano 10 feet away. I’d much rather use that than this. Uh, but, you know, still, great way to start, uh, learning about a specific type of machine learning.

[00:45:36] Now, what’s the point of a musical keyboard in the Cloud, you may ask? Well, this is the third device, um, from the third Reinvent in a row where AWS has created a physical item to help teach us a really complicated concept.

We started with deep learning, that… Or Deep Lens, which teaches you Deep Learning. Uh, Deep Racer, which was the autonomous car that teaches you, um, reinforcement learning. So, setting goals and letting the model reach those goals. And hi, Renata. Thanks for joining. Uh, or Renato. Sorry. Renato, thanks for joining us.

[00:46:06] Um, the, uh… So, Deep Lens taught us deep learning, Deep Racer taught us reinforcement learning, uh, for Deep Composer, this teaches us generative adversarial networks. That’s a mouthful. GAN, generative adversarial networks. Essentially what happens there is you have two networks.

One generates solutions, the other discriminates against the discriminatory network, or shoots solutions down. Such as this guy builds new ones, this guy goes, “Nope. Yep. Nope. Yep, yep, nope.” And these two, uh, networks fighting against each other, uh, will generate a better solution. It’s kind of a cool concept, right? Competition breeds a better solution.

[00:46:43] It’s very, very difficult, uh, to understand at a, a mathematical level, um, because it’s two neural network that generate some really interesting results. And very cool stuff. I can give you some references if you guys are interested in getting into the nuts and bolts of it. I love it.

You probably wanna just stay with the cool stuff, and that’s the whole point of the Deep Composer, is by starting with a seed, uh, so playing out some sort of little tune, some chords, some basics, what ends up happening is the networks will then take that to develop it into a full composition. Very, very cool.

[00:47:16] You start with a little bit of, uh, basic, you know, introduction and then the AI will take it and build it out into an entire composition using a, a generative adversarial network. Um, I think it’s super cool. I absolutely love, um, this idea, just the general concept, these three devices of taking something you might want to interact with, to show you some really complicated concepts in the backend.

Love it. Enjoy it. Sign up for the preview for the service. You don’t need to have the physical keyboard.

[00:47:43] Um, like I said, you can order the keyboard if, if you want. It’s available on Amazon to sign up to get notified when it’s available. Um, and then, uh, if not, it seems very likely that you’ll be able to use any sort of midi instrument, um, which, you know, if you’re into music, uh, you know there’s a ton of them out there. Midi’s been a long, long standard. Um, but very, very cool.

[00:48:00] Uh, the nice thing as well, uh, along with, um, all of these physical, you know, kind of device in the service, AWS also pushes up a bunch of educational content. If you go to the Deep Racer Platform, there’s a good three hours of videos that teach you about reinforcement learning.

We’re expecting the same thing coming out of here for, um, generative, uh, adversarial networks. Uh, super cool. Uh, love it and, uh, you know, I like music, um, and this is just a great way to hook in.

[00:48:29] And some of the folks who are saying like, “What’s the point? What’s the point?” Well, A, it’s just interesting, but also I think this is gonna open up machine learning to a whole new set of builders who maybe looked at the Deep Lens and went, “Yeah, not for me.”

Looked at the Deep Racer and went, “Yeah, it’s still not for me.” A lot more people are into music, a lot of different people are- different crowd are into music. So, I think it’ll open it up. And anything that gets more people learning is a huge win in my book.

[00:48:51] So, that was Deep Composer. Uh, so let’s talk a little but about Trend, uh, and what we’re up to. No, not in an adver- ad- ad- kind of way. You guys know me by now. I don’t do ads. Um, so what we did do is, uh, leading up to it, as an AWS hero, I wrote a guide for practical security. I recommended, uh, I think se- uh, 18 talks.

18 talks over the course of the week. Um, at least seven of those have been published on YouTube. I started creating a list, um, of those. Uh, you can still read the guide. Uh, I put the link in the Gist. I also put the link to my YouTube playlist of the talks that I recommended, and will be adding them as more and more talks go up.

[00:49:26] Um, that leads to the next thing, the, uh, AWS Events YouTube channel. Again, it’s in the Gist. Um, those guys… And let me just actually repost that in the Gist with all the links. And I’ll update the Gist if I forgot some stuff. I already got a couple notes there. I just re-posted that in the comments for you guys so you’re not like, “What Gist?”

[00:49:47] Um, so the, uh, AWS Events YouTube channel has been publishing all the talks from Reinvent. They got a ton up there and there’s more coming this week. Amazingly fast, which was very, very much appreciated. Um, they get faster every year, which is great, uh, ‘cause you watch those talks from home.

[00:50:03] Um, so next up, uh, I wrote that guide and put the guide up there. Uh, Trend actually had three speaking sessions. Uh, first one’s super important. Our CEO, uh, Eva Chen, uh, gave a ta- a panel, uh, was on a panel, uh, for We Power Tech, uh, shifting to an abundance, uh, model. Some fantastic leaders, um, in the community talking about, uh, how to, uh, build up diversity, how to, um, create stronger teams, more resilient teams. Uh, again, put a link to that in the Gist, as well as to We Power Tech.

Uh, Trend has been a proud sponsor of that, uh, from the beginning. Um, we, uh, helped along with, um, Accenture and AWS. Uh, we sponsored 102 people this year to come to Reinvent, uh, from underrepresented communities, uh, to, uh, experience the show. It was a really great time.

[00:50:48] Uh, second talk we gave, uh, was, uh, Jason Crowder, who’s the Director of Tech at Pivot. Um, he gave this fantastic talk. Really, really well received, uh, on transforming IT pros to DevOps gurus, how to secure your new tech stacks.

Basically he was talking about his journey in a very traditional, uh, mindset, conservative vertical of, uh, oil and gas and energy. Um, how he went from traditional IT development to very modernized stuff.

[00:51:12] Um, and then finally, uh, this ugly mug gave Strong Security Made Simple, putting all the pieces together. Uh, 200 level overview. Looked at how AWS, uh, transformation tools are available, while our protected framework, cloud adoption framework, CIS benchmark, um, that kind of stuff, um, and how to stitch that together with a bunch of AWS services around six key security questions.

These three talks are up on YouTube already. I’ve linked to them in the Gist so you can check them out. Uh, well worth watching all three of them.

[00:51:39] Uh, then finally, uh… Or not finally, but again, uh, we were a launch partner on a new service called Amazon Detective. Uh, this is a security focused service. Uh, it is designed around, uh, analysis investigation, uh, digging into the root cause of potential issues.

Um, our deep security platform or cloud one workload security, um, which is now the new name for, for, uh, Deep Security moving forward. Uh, so cloud one workload security, uh, integrates into this, uh, to allow you to perform investigations.

[00:52:09] As a forensics guy, this kind of tool is amazing. Uh, I love anything that pulls that data together to help you dig in and see… Of course it supports, uh, several AWS services. So, it pulls from Macie, from GuardDuty, uh, from Security Hub, and that means any partner supporting Security Hub and then we have a direct integration in there, uh, into, uh, Amazon Protective, to make it easier to pull this information.

So, if you were doing, uh, forensic analysis or a root cause analysis from a security perspective, Amazon Detective is the way to go. Sign up for the preview right now.

[00:52:38] Uh, and then, uh, we also supported, uh… We were a launch partner for AWS Outpost. Uh, the tail end of Andy Jassy’s keynote was basically, uh, why the speed of light is now a problem [laughs].

He announced a number of things, like, uh, wavelength, uh, local zones, and AWS Outpost that helped get AWS Compute closer to you. Um, Outpost is a manged rack from AWS. No, you don’t get to play with the rack. It is locked. Only AWS comes in and manages it.

Um, but it delivers, uh, easy to, um… Uh, RDS is in preview, S3’s coming next year, uh, IAM, a bunch of AWS services delivered locally in your data center.

[00:53:16] Um, why is this useful? It’s useful if you have a major investment in your data center and you can’t get out of it right now, and you’re starting your journey to the cloud. Um, it’s useful, uh, for workloads where you need to actually be able to point and say, “That’s where the data is.”

Um, because it gets your people developing with a modern tool set now, um, and then you can move into the cl- uh, AWS Cloud seamlessly, because you’re already developing in that manner.

[00:53:38] Again, Trend, uh, Micro is very proud to be a launch partner for this. Um, it comes in two versions. Uh, Bare Metal like that, which we support, and then the VMware version, which we also support. Um, so great our tech will stack on top of this seamlessly, uh, ‘cause we’ve been a long time advanced technology partner for AWS.

[00:53:53] Um, Greg B. just dropped a bomb of a question, uh, which I love. And hi, Andrea, thanks for joining from Geneva. Um, and this is a great slide to, to ask this. So, um, and thank you, and that’s a very kind comment.

Uh, Greg says, uh, “Just for those of you who are not on, uh, on the LinkedIn stream, uh, what’s the future of cloud computing? Will technology- uh, the technology make the, uh, hardware obsolete?” Bomb of a question.

[00:54:22] Uh, yeah, so the future of cloud computing… Cloud computing’s all about you as a business realizing that, uh, doing undifferentiated heavy lifting, so running Windows, running Linux, uh, racking and stacking boxes, building up data centers, it’s not your business. Like, nine times out of 10, that is not your business. 99 times out of 100 that is not your business, so why are you doing it?

[00:54:41] Um, AWS has simplified that sort of, uh… You know, the old outsource model broke. It didn’t work. Uh, it was just- it was more trouble than it was worth. Uh, having an API, having, uh, economies of scale you can take advantage of simplifies this, because now it’s like any other technology platform.

You make a request, it’s automatically fulfilled by a system. It lets you focus on delivering business value. That’s really the key for cloud computing, is focusing on business value. And when you adopt principles like transformation and when you start to adjust how you deal with this stuff and you realize you can make tiny experiments, um, analyze the results and then innovate very, very quickly, you’ll hear the term flywheel quite often for AWS.

Um, so you start small and you keep going, going, going, going, going, going, and going. Um, that is, uh- you start to see way better business results.

[00:55:27] So, Andrea, uh, jumped in here and said, you know, “I care about service, um, not about hardware.” Right? And that’s, that’s key. You sort of focus on the results. You focus on the service you’re getting, not about running it. So, um, let’s take it, uh, the new, uh, Cassandra managed service from AWS that they just announced.

Running Cassandra, which is a data store, um, running it at scale takes a lot of effort. Um, there’s operational, uh, people and activities, there is running it on the hardware, there’s managing the OS’s. There’s a whole bunch of stuff underneath there, let alone connectivity and performance balancing.

[00:55:58] You just want to store data and get it out. So, why not leverage a, a, a, a world-class managed service like AWS is providing in order to do that? And that’s really the key for, um, cloud, uh, in general.

Um, is it gonna make hardware obsolete? No, but hardware’s changing. So, Intel’s major customers, uh, uh, you know, from their last report, I think they said is AWS, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and I can’t remember who the fifth was. Uh, basically these are all companies that are building on hardware that other people use, with the exception of Facebook, right?

[00:56:28] Um, hardware’s changing. I think you as a business need to realize that hardware as a capital expense can be a weight around your neck. Um, you need it for users, so laptops, mobiles, tablets, things like that, absolutely. Um, but do you really wanna be buying servers?

Servers that may or may not be optimized in their utilization that have a three to five year lifespan? Um, you know, core switching’s another example. Core switching is, you know, million dollar-plus. Uh, you normally buy it on a seven year lifecycle. Uh, and that costs money not just to buy, but to maintain and run.

[00:57:00] Really it’s just about focus. That’s what cloud computing is all about. It’s about focusing on getting the business results and, uh, unless you’re directly in an IT business, that’s something else. So, why is IT a cost center? You wanna make it an optimized, uh, result. Uh, you wanna keep pushing and deliver that business value.

[00:57:18] Fantastic, fantastic question, Greg. Um, and hopefully that’s a bit of an answer. Um, is this an instant thing? No, absolutely not. It is not an instant thing. It will take awhile, um, to push there. It takes, uh, time, unless you started your business today, um, you have existing legacy that you need to deal with. Right?

You need to, uh, work through this stuff. You need a plan. Uh, the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework, uh, which I talked about in two of those talks that we gave this week, is absolutely key. It’s a free resource that will help you map out business process stakeholders and how they transform over time.

[00:57:53] Um, that’s a huge part of this, because ideally your business is delivering whatever you, uh, make, whether you sell widgets, whether you sell food, whether you, uh, you know, are in fashion. Doesn’t matter.

Uh, IT should be something that augments that. It shouldn’t be something that drags it down. And I think for me, that’s really the key about cloud, is that it amplifies the talent you’ve got onsite, while allowing you to focus and reduce the, uh, over- needless overhead stuff.

[00:58:17] So, um, fantastic chat today, guys. I really, really appreciate it. Uh, we have gone, uh, for awhile. That was good. That was awesome. Um, so almost a full hour, which is always fun. Uh, I really like these kind of talks. Uh, hopefully you guys do as well. Um, let me just get my overlays back up here. Uh, hopefully you guys do as well.

Uh, we did… This is the sixth Let’s Talk Cloud that we did. Uh, most of them had a guest coming on, um, to talk, uh, with me. Um, we did some fun sections, like the rapid fire.

[00:58:50] We were- I just throw, you know, either/or choices at them to see how they responded, but we tried to pick some, uh, guests within the Trend Micro family, because this is really just an experiment, um, to see if we could help share our knowledge, uh, because we’ve built up- we’ve been building in the cloud for almost a decade now.

Um, we’ve learned a lot of stuff and we realized we weren’t pheno- as good as we should have been at sharing that with you.

[00:59:09] Um, you know, you see a lot of stuff, uh, from Trend around products, um, around the great stuff that we’re building for customers, but not some of the lessons that we’ve learned.

And so, this series was really about, “Hey, you know, we- we’ve got a lot of expertise. Let’s share it with you, let’s put a little, uh, more personal style on it. Let’s, um, you know, create a conversation back and forth.”

[00:59:27] So, uh, the response we’ve gotten back has been fantastic. Um, we want more though. Let, let us know, what are you thinking? And has this been good, has this been bad? What do you wanna see more of? Uh, we’re looking to make this a little more structured in 2020.

Um, not the stream. We’re liking how the stream’s balancing, I think. I think the casual attitude really, um, plays well, because it makes it a more honest and open conversation, I think. Um, but we’re looking to schedule a little further out. We’re looking to get guests from outside of the Trend community and from, uh, some other parts of our Trend family, um, so that we’ll get you different perspectives.

[00:59:58] Uh, you know, this obviously was a huge focus on AWS, because we just had the big event, but we do a ton of work in Azure, a ton of work in Google, um, as well. So, we want to talk about those clouds.

We want to talk about cloud in general, we wanna talk about building well. There’s a ton of stuff we wanna talk about, and if you have figured out anything about me personally yet, I do like to talk.

[01:00:16] Um, so feedback. Let us know. Uh, hit me up, um, @marknca on Twitter. Um, you see my name right there. I should have provided a graphic for this right now, but I’ll put it in the Gist. There you go. Uh, where you can reach me by email. It’s

Um, open to your feedback, open to your suggestions. Uh, if you would like to see anybody in particular on the stream, let me know. Uh, because we’re gonna try to schedule those guests out. And like I said, we’re going beyond just the Trend Micro family, because I think we’ve proven out this experiment, that it’s useful, that people find value in it, and we wanna keep this going. Um, you know, and we want you to help steer it. That’s absolutely critical.

[01:00:52] So, thank you for taking the time. Thank you for joining these, uh, episodes. I very much appreciate it. I’m really looking forward to, to, to doing this, to growing the community and building this out, uh, in 2020, which is terrifyingly close.

I realized that when I got back from Reinvent and went, “Okay, winter holidays are coming up. I need to figure this stuff out.”

[01:01:13] So, I’m gonna take a bit of a breather. We’re gonna plan this stuff out better. Uh, looking forward to it. I hope you guys take some downtime, uh, after you wrap up, uh, you know, those frantic Q4 activities.

Uh, thank you for joining today. Like I said, hit me up on social @marknca or by email, And I will put both of those in the Gist. Uh, please, ha- have a great day and, uh, I look forward to talking to you soon.

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