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Road to re:Invent - AWS Compute

AWS offers a number of services it labels as "compute". What are they? How do you pick one that makes sense for your workload? How are they different from each other? This live stream tackles these questions as we take a look at computation in the AWS Cloud.


AWS offers a number of services it labels as “compute”. What are they? How do you pick one that makes sense for your workload? How are they different from each other? This live stream tackles these questions as we take a look at computation in the AWS Cloud.

Here are the slides that I used during the live stream.

Reasonably Accurate 🤖🧠 Transcript

[00:00:00] Mark: Good morning, everybody. How you doing today? Hey, thanks for joining. Um, this is, uh, the latest in a series of streams. I've been doing leading up to AWS re invent AWS re invent is the end of, um, well, first week of December. Um, we've got 18 days remaining, kind of crazy. Uh, so we're live right now on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

[00:00:26] Um, fire off your comments, uh, here in, um, In linked in, or you can send me a tweet as well on. We will. I will respond to them as I can on the stream. So I wasn't on last week. I'm doing this series because I've started another series for trend micro called. Let's talk cloud. That's been going really, really well.

[00:00:48] I'll show you that in two seconds. And also I was at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York City. I was giving a talk there, and that kind of took up a bunch of my week. So apologies for not having a stream about [00:01:00] AWS. Last week, but we're back at it right now, and I wanted to talk about AWS compute services because I think a lot of people assume they've got it on lock, but I think there's a lot of questions.

[00:01:10] And at least I see a lot of questions, especially when I'm talking to people are just getting started in the AWS cloud about what should they be picking? What are the options? Where are they? That kind of stuff. So we're going to dive into AWS compute services just like we did with AWS database services a couple weeks ago.

[00:01:26] So let me just share something on my screen for a second. Um, So I already dropped this link in the LinkedIn chat, um, and you can hit it up, uh, obviously markin. ca, um, it's one of the main links there, um, and you'll see I have my ultimate guide to reInvent, so if you're coming to the show in 18 days, this, uh, link will let you know, um, what's going on as far as activities, um, how to sign up for, um, uh, talks, all that kind of stuff, um, and then, uh, also I have an official guide on the AWS site.

[00:01:56] Um, and then I'm giving two talks. So SET204, uh, and then, uh, [00:02:00] DOP204. Um, but yeah, you can see here the last one we had was, um, databases, uh, as well as, um, Redemption on Dynamo, right? Um, because I messed up that a little bit as well. Uh, so, uh, keep the questions going, uh, but as I mentioned, uh, Trend, uh, on the Trend Micro channel, uh, we started this new, uh, Let's Talk Cloud series.

[00:02:22] We had an episode last week, another one yesterday. Um, And basically it's very casual, um, sort of informal. I'm talking to various folks and we're starting with people in trend, uh, just because we're not sure about the format. We're trying to experiment a little bit. Then we're going to be expanding it out to get guests from around the community.

[00:02:38] Um, and really just kind of giving you that, um, on the ground, sort of real world experience. And it's been going really, really well. I'm actually really happy with that one. Um, so let's get rolling here. Um, I see, uh, Ashley's already got a question on LinkedIn, which is. Great. Um, how to use AWS with a CMDB and configuration management database.

[00:02:59] That's a [00:03:00] great question. There's a lot of stuff in that that we can dive into. Um, we'll talk about a bit about that today, but really what we want to talk about is AWS compute services. So here are some slides that I pulled together and as always, I'll publish these afterwards for you. Um, but keep the comments coming here in, in LinkedIn and on Twitter and I'll tackle them when I can.

[00:03:19] Um, basically, We've got, um, compute services break down, uh, or I find they break down, um, far more easily around what type of compute you're getting. So, compute basically means making a decision. So this is where you have, um, either code you've written or code you've gotten, um, and you're trying to make some sort of decision or manage the flow of information.

[00:03:40] So, you're doing some sort of processing on information that you've gotten. Really, that's all programming is, is that you take an input, you do something to it, and you have an output. That's what the compute services are doing, right? You have some sort of input, you're doing some sort of action or transformation to it, and then you have some sort of output.

[00:03:59] Um, and of course [00:04:00] there's a myriad, a million different ways that that actually happens. Now, the main unit of compute, uh, for most people, at least conceptually for most people, is an instance or a virtual machine. Now, all of the services you see on screen right now are instance based, and we're going to dive into each of them.

[00:04:20] Um, a little bit, I'll give you this sort of overview of what's going on, but sort of the classic is the Amazon elastic compute cloud or EC two. That's where you ask AWS to give you a instance, a Linux or a windows server, and you take over from there. We covered that in the shared responsibility model. Um, But that's the core of Amazon EC2, um, and that is, uh, you know, the, the fundamental unit is an instance in AWS Parlance.

[00:04:47] You pick how much memory, how many, uh, CPUs, uh, graphics cards, uh, all that kind of stuff. And in fact, we'll dive in in a second and, uh, try to do that on our own. Um, well, not try, we're going to be [00:05:00] successful. Uh, at least we better be successful. If we fail making an instance, In EC2, then, uh, I'm gonna have to stop streaming because that's just sad.

[00:05:10] I should be able to, uh, pull that off. And I'm just making sure I'm logged in on the background here. So, the instance is our core piece of, um, compute. Now, everything else on this screen is either there to serve as,

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