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Road to re:Invent - Kick Off

Road to re:Invent - Kick Off

AWS re:Invent 2019 is going to be HUGE. I’ll be conducting a series of live streams and publishing a ton of content leading up to the show in early December. In this stream, we get the series started off with some questions to you and an overview of what to expect.

Bad Robot Transcript

Morning everybody. All right. I got a few people on the stream. We are trying to multi Castle on YouTube or on Periscope. Ron LinkedIn. We’re going to be focusing pretty much everything on LinkedIn for commentary. So if you’re on the other streams jump over to LinkedIn stream and check us out.

We are going to be broadcasting. I’m going to be broadcasting almost exclusively on LinkedIn as part of this series. So as you saw in the intro screen, this is the road to reinvent 2018 and you’re probably thinking wait a minute. Isn’t that show in December? Yeah, it is. It is in December.

I’m just the echo on the stream LinkedIn still in beta making it very difficult to monitor streams. So I’m watching myself lag by a little bit here. But I am answering comments and responded to the stream on LinkedIn kick over there. If you’re on YouTube for periscope, whatever the case maybe and will post this to those later.

We are 75 days out to AWS reinvent. It happens in December this year. The first official day is December 2nd, which is the Monday which really is the first official day of the actual first official day is really the Sunday night, but there are 75 days out right? I think that Lance is right or am I starting talking about this now or not? I’ve actually already been writing about this every year.

I publish The Ultimate Guide to AWS reinvent information about this show and what’s going on well ahead of time so, you know, So there is in May registration opens up in you. Book your hotel. You got to book your ticket and they’ve tied hotels to tickets. Which means if you’re not on the game, if you’re not up there real quick that you are going to a potentially miss out on the good hotel blocks and I can make the rest of the week really really tricky.

So what you know, I start polishing their I’ll coming up now the second catalog keeps expanding and I’m mid-october somewhere in there. There’s going to be reserved seating registration. That’s an absolutely critical event. And obviously we’re going to be going live on that day to follow it out. But what I really wanted to kind of get On The Stream and talk to people about it and see what’s going on and what you guys are thinking about is that I think there’s a misconception around Cloud usage, you know, I was writing a presentation at talk asserted discussion starter and front event tomorrow at ending in Toronto Island of this week on Thursday at cloudstack Trend micro’s one of the main sponsors of it and see the question was around.

Production and it got me thinking is as things normally do and I think people are really comfortable using like SAS application. So Office 365 even sales for stuff like that, but I think there’s there’s a group of people who are really comfortable with the cloud and these are the folks who are used to you know, they are absolutely used to building IT services.

They’re used to to firing things up and you know to building on servers on containers and serverless and there are they there standard as far as you know, hey, we build stuff and I T, but I think there’s a lot of people who could get benefit from using some stuff.

I need to be us but aren’t familiar with it. And that sort of like the business developers of people who are just young Stitch things together and but you’re not really sure about what you should be doing. And I think there’s a really sort of limitation Clause Adam or intimidation area where you kind of look at that there is a ton of stuff.

Let me show you what I mean in this is the beauty of go on the live streams. We are going to Not sure that it we’re going to share out Firefox Perfect Dark and said we’re not diving into cold right away little bit easier for you to see perfect.

I let me pump this one size up a little bit. So this is a WIC current standing around their product offering so you can see how it may get my just going to move me in the Stream here. All right. So when you look at this out of products or Services, we know the Miz Services Group by categories of things like application integration, like customer engagement, like internet-of-things mobile things like that are really really low level.

Some of them are really really high level but no matter which way you look at it. There’s a ton of these services and I can be really hard to get your head wrapped around it. So if you know what you’re looking for, that’s pretty straightforward, but the entirety of the end of his cloud is really really hard.

Wrap your head around now. I’m the vice president with Cloud research at Trend Micro. But I’m also an AWS Community here on others almost a hundred of us now and not just Community Heroes with his machine learning Heroes and service Heroes as well. But the idea is that were folks would like to reach out to the community.

We teach the community we help engage. We allowed to use a group interaction lot of talks things like that. So part of that I find out, you know, I get to talk to a lot of people about how they’ll ever stated was Claude her or how they’re getting into it.

This came back to the core idea of you know, 75 days out. Can we start streaming and talking and helping people understand a bit more the clock because when you dive into this ridiculous amount of services, they’re simple stuff. You understand like Amazon easy to get a virtual server and incidents in the cloud, right? Even if you go into the containers, you kind of understand it but you know AWS Lambda starts to get a little more advanced for people.

That’s the core computer around service application design it if it’s Outpost is like a little rack of systems that you get. Boy t r i t or I physical location to plug in your data center databases. We’re in on this is URI postgres. You’re my sequel your SQL Oracle Maria TV that kind of stuff but you don’t have you played around with Neptune, which is a fully managed graph database very very cool or document Ledger database.

It’s best if we just move on but then there’s things like cost explore their there’s all these different kind of services and now I’m going to be 100% honest with you. And before I do that, let me just remind everybody wherever you’re watching the stream. We’re taking comments and chat on LinkedIn.

So come on over to LinkedIn page at Future swings streams are going to be linked in only and then will repost up to YouTube and point that obviously not so sure. Twitter app with the main source for this whole program this whole campaign mine moving up to reinvent is going to be here on LinkedIn City ID.

Is it 13 years ago. I know a lot of these really really well and that’s kind of what the led me to be a community Hero by sharing that knowledge. There’s a ton of these that I’ve never touched K. There’s a hundred and twenty some different Services a bunch of them.

I have never touched and I’m sure you have never played with him as well. Here’s what I’m proposing over the next 75 days notice is not going to be daily thing. But I’m thinking maybe two or three times a week we get on the stream. We spent half an hour, maybe an hour together here on LinkedIn talking about it at monitoring the comments.

So you can fire up the comments. You can tell me your reactions at ask questions and things like that, you know, and I think we should go through some of the services that we got a question from Augusta will jump to that in just one second. But what I want to finish off on this point is that No, I did a sample like ended up being 42 minutes of supposed to be 30.

You can see here on textract. So I went through basically what the service is somehow. It’s priced out how it works. And then we got into the actual code right very very simple stuff. You do not have to have previous coding experience. I walked through all the basics and made a ton of mistakes myself cuz I never actually tried to extract which takes a text out of images before I fired up his livestream, right? So I’m putting myself out there making some mistakes look at a bit silly in cases and but by the end of it, we actually found out that we could pull out data as expected from textract and see that we got a conference scores.

I’m so we pulled textual data out of an image just like the service was designed. It took a little longer than 30 minutes, but that’s the kind of thing. I’m thinking when it comes to their we go to the too many tabs open already and I only have four I’ve not had my coffee yet.

That’s the kind of thing. I was thinking about these different services with just a quick hit. I’ve seen where it’s useful seeing how you can get value out of it walking through an exploring it because I think there’s a lot of use cases where people aren’t necessarily leveraging Services really can’t because I think they’re intimidating the same building as big massive project something like textract very simple example of you images in your birthday today business work that you need to pull text out of knowing that service taking 10-15 minutes to figure it out could be really really valuable.

And so I guess I would ask the Fantastic question here around and is serverless, you know, the future security and high availability designs things like that hundred percent. So serverless is a design pattern lamp as a core part of that but anything where you’re not managing me of the structure really falls under serverless, so you’ll see like dynamodb serverless.

You don’t have to worry about anything. You just kind of throw data into it had a rough 53 really simple spots the serverless S3 serverless is old which of these services that Are serverless by designs, you’re not managing capacity infrastructure things like that. You should be starting by designing serverless applications.

They’re very simple. They were straightforward and they tend to follow the flow of your application. What is the reality is? You’re not always writing things from scratch. That’s why if you can’t do in serverless do in containers of can’t do in containers do it in instances or virtual servers, right? And that’s sort of the idea and the reason comes down to what do you want to focus on there’s all the stuff that you can kind of get lost in that’s not really worth it at your job as a developer as somebody in the business unit and security whatever the case maybe is not managing it infrastructure.

Your job is delivering business value moving that business Ford service is a fantastic way to do that because it takes most of the it Mountain that you do for IT sake and pushes it off AWS and they’re going to do a way better than we ever could and even if they do at the same level that weekend, we’re not doing it.

I’m a big fan of doing less. I’m especially when it gets you more so absolutely got to do Services the future. But in the future takes time, we can sit there and go. Hey, it’s really easy to build. Everything is herbalist. But that’s not the reality. There’s a bunch of Legacy stuff out there.

There’s a bunch of applications that are working perfectly fine you rewrite you want to move to serverless and as things are new you want to move the service, but have a great question. Keep them coming. Obviously. I’m monitoring the stream for that kind of stuff back to the point at hand here.

So we have all these Services. I think I can help you understand some of them because there are great tools that you can use to make your life easier. So I fired out a tweet on Sunday night talking about how I use the new GitHub actions beta on GitHub to automatically distribute my my static website to S3 in a few people, Tulocay.

That’s really cool, you know, interesting approach like how come and at least the idea was it made mistakes. I wanted to automate things instead of manually copy of my sight up into S3. I want an automated. So now I did now the endpoint of that is an AWS Service as 3D.

Other pieces from GitHub are not but you could use codecommit just as easily but I think there’s a lot of these sort of business wins the people ignore because they think everything they Cloud should be big another great example. I host a show called mornings with Mark you don’t normally once once maybe twice a week.

I talked for about 5 to 7 minutes on a security and privacy issue when I push that out to Twitter live and I post it on my YouTube channel. I’m so YouTube slash mark NCAA, you can see it up in the corner and the you see my name there that’s that’s all night handles on social and end in that show.

I automatically run a bunch of stuff in Cloud behind the scenes, right? So I automatically take the video and pull the audio out and then transcribe that audio into text. I sent that text to analyze to see the content of it. So it’s under machine learning Services I end up using a transcribe I then use comprehends to discover their the inside.

The relationship in the text I have just to see a what keywords I’m talking about recently, right? And that’s a simple script. It took me a little while to kind of perfected but it ends up being like 6070 lines of really simple straightforward code that generates value every time I run it so I just send it video and it spits back results.

I think that’s huge. I think there’s a ton of winds like that for most people so that’s the idea here because reinvent is coming up so you can see here on the main reinvent page. We’ve got 75 days left. I think if you learn more about the AWS Cloud going into reinvented, we’re not just going to focus.

We’re going to focus on any of this time around and going to ignore the other clouds especially talking with security privacy. I’m talking with design techniques was applied to the other clouds as well and will focus on the big event that’s coming but realistically this stuff is is all out there and that’s that’s really really important.

So we’re going to do that and we’re going to fire that up you’re going to The all of the great things about reinvent if you want to know what’s going on with reinvent My ultimate God is here. So go to read that a cloud Guru or eight. Guru Ultimate Guide to reinvent if you just search The Ultimate Guide a divorce agreement this post actually pops up.

I’ll put in the description for the stream. And what ends up happening is this is a very simple goes through and make sense of what’s happening with rain. I’m constantly updating this and give you a little blurb about who I am. I been to every AWS reinvent since the start and we talked about things like, you know, the code of conduct absolutely critical how did set up registration and lodging and you know, every little key part is in here at including the how to reinvent series which is really really cool.

And that’s Jill and Annie from AWS Hostess great YouTube show where they explain some of the inside things about plus thousand people on reinvent. We’re coming to reinvent this year, which is absolutely insane now, I think we might have dropped the stream cuz we are on Burlington here, but we’re going to keep going cuz you recording us and we’ll post it up to you to have after the fact and I will put that back in LinkedIn so that we can at check it out.

But yeah 8th guide to reinvent is up and running and then I you can check the main 8 of your sight obviously continuously have but that’s the goal. So what do I hear from you what I’d love to see some comments and suggestions of what you want to see so I like I said 75 days out planning, maybe two or three streams a week on diving in the cemetery services or talking about Cortana vs.

Principles of is he talking about security talking about privacy? Cuz that’s the focus of mine but not limited to that. We’re to talk about how to build how to take advantage of some of these core services and inserted how to dip your toe in the water and realize that you want to build massive thing is a lot of value of ants in really simple things that can make your business day.

Go better. Obviously, we’ve got some surprises. We got some cool stuff a planet keep saying week. It’s just me. I got some interesting ideas got some cool stuff. I think plan that you will probably We enjoy let’s go back to this and that I think it probably really really enjoy but the idea here is engaging with you guys engaging with the community and understanding what you want to see what you want to get out of this.

I have a real deep familiarity with a lot of the stuff to work with AWS for a really really long time and I’m offering that sort of to you folks. Do I know everything absolutely not I’m going to make some spectacularly fantastic amazing mistakes guarantee, especially For Life coding and working together on that kind of stuff.

You were going to see some amazing things. So maybe two Ninjas to see somebody at you know, who’s out there making ridiculous mistakes, but I find we can learn really well from those mistakes and that’s important right learning that stuff moving through so that’s the goal and that’s the setup.

Hit me up on Twitter on any social media with your suggestions, in the in the Stream links down below and let me know what you’re looking for right and let me know what the best venue is here. I think a LinkedIn makes sense because a lot of people are there and we’ve been since the stream But you know if it makes more sense to push this YouTuber both of the same time, that’s cool, too.

But the idea here is I want to hear from you what you want to learn leading up to eight of yes, we can go complicated but I think making it simple going to be better. So something that we can ideally Compass within 30 minutes maybe up to an hour though, you know, it’s going to grow some typical example specific challenges.

Let’s get those. Let’s share those with walk-up. Let’s work together. Cuz if we can learn more of the time we hit the ground running at reinvent, I think you’re being way more out of the show because you will have covered all that basic stuff. You have a better idea of the context you’re working.

And so that’s the thought that’s the goal. That’s the 2019 road to reinvent and let me know what you’re thinking. I really look forward to this. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. I over the next couple months of the next 75 days as we all get ready to meet in Vegas for the biggest by far conference in Cloud that has still retained that very very cool Edge.

Hit me up. Let me know and we’ll talk to you real soon. More than everybody. All right. I got a few people on the stream. We are trying to multi Castle on YouTube or on Periscope. Ron LinkedIn. We’re going to be focusing pretty much everything on LinkedIn for commentary.

So if you’re on the other streams jump over to LinkedIn stream and check us out. We are going to be broadcasting. I’m going to be broadcasting almost exclusively on LinkedIn as part of this series. So as you saw in the intro screen, this is the road to reinvent 2018 and you’re probably thinking wait a minute.

Isn’t that show in December? Yeah, it is. It is in December. I’m just the echo on the stream LinkedIn still in beta making it very difficult to monitor streams. So I’m watching myself lag by a little bit here. But I am answering comments and responded to the stream on LinkedIn kick over there.

If you’re on YouTube for periscope, whatever the case maybe and will post this to those later. We are 75 days out to AWS reinvent. It happens in December this year. The first official day is December 2nd, which is the Monday which really is the first official day of the actual first official day is really the Sunday night, but there are 75 days out right? I think that Lance is right or am I starting talking about this now or not? I’ve actually already been writing about this every year.

I publish The Ultimate Guide to AWS reinvent information about this show and what’s going on well ahead of time so, you know, So there is in May registration opens up in you. Book your hotel. You got to book your ticket and they’ve tied hotels to tickets. Which means if you’re not on the game, if you’re not up there real quick that you are going to a potentially miss out on the good hotel blocks and I can make the rest of the week really really tricky.

So what you know, I start polishing their I’ll coming up now the second catalog keeps expanding and I’m mid-october somewhere in there. There’s going to be reserved seating registration. That’s an absolutely critical event. And obviously we’re going to be going live on that day to follow it out. But what I really wanted to kind of get On The Stream and talk to people about it and see what’s going on and what you guys are thinking about is that I think there’s a misconception around Cloud usage, you know, I was writing a presentation at talk asserted discussion starter and front event tomorrow at ending in Toronto Island of this week on Thursday at cloudstack Trend micro’s one of the main sponsors of it and see the question was around.

Production and it got me thinking is as things normally do and I think people are really comfortable using like SAS application. So Office 365 even sales for stuff like that, but I think there’s there’s a group of people who are really comfortable with the cloud and these are the folks who are used to you know, they are absolutely used to building IT services.

They’re used to to firing things up and you know to building on servers on containers and serverless and there are they there standard as far as you know, hey, we build stuff and I T, but I think there’s a lot of people who could get benefit from using some stuff.

I need to be us but aren’t familiar with it. And that sort of like the business developers of people who are just young Stitch things together and but you’re not really sure about what you should be doing. And I think there’s a really sort of limitation Clause Adam or intimidation area where you kind of look at that there is a ton of stuff.

Let me show you what I mean in this is the beauty of go on the live streams. We are going to Not sure that it we’re going to share out Firefox Perfect Dark and said we’re not diving into cold right away little bit easier for you to see perfect.

I let me pump this one size up a little bit. So this is a WIC current standing around their product offering so you can see how it may get my just going to move me in the Stream here. All right. So when you look at this out of products or Services, we know the Miz Services Group by categories of things like application integration, like customer engagement, like internet-of-things mobile things like that are really really low level.

Some of them are really really high level but no matter which way you look at it. There’s a ton of these services and I can be really hard to get your head wrapped around it. So if you know what you’re looking for, that’s pretty straightforward, but the entirety of the end of his cloud is really really hard.

Wrap your head around now. I’m the vice president with Cloud research at Trend Micro. But I’m also an AWS Community here on others almost a hundred of us now and not just Community Heroes with his machine learning Heroes and service Heroes as well. But the idea is that were folks would like to reach out to the community.

We teach the community we help engage. We allowed to use a group interaction lot of talks things like that. So part of that I find out, you know, I get to talk to a lot of people about how they’ll ever stated was Claude her or how they’re getting into it.

This came back to the core idea of you know, 75 days out. Can we start streaming and talking and helping people understand a bit more the clock because when you dive into this ridiculous amount of services, they’re simple stuff. You understand like Amazon easy to get a virtual server and incidents in the cloud, right? Even if you go into the containers, you kind of understand it but you know AWS Lambda starts to get a little more advanced for people.

That’s the core computer around service application design it if it’s Outpost is like a little rack of systems that you get. Boy t r i t or I physical location to plug in your data center databases. We’re in on this is URI postgres. You’re my sequel your SQL Oracle Maria TV that kind of stuff but you don’t have you played around with Neptune, which is a fully managed graph database very very cool or document Ledger database.

It’s best if we just move on but then there’s things like cost explore their there’s all these different kind of services and now I’m going to be 100% honest with you. And before I do that, let me just remind everybody wherever you’re watching the stream. We’re taking comments and chat on LinkedIn.

So come on over to LinkedIn page at Future swings streams are going to be linked in only and then will repost up to YouTube and point that obviously not so sure. Twitter app with the main source for this whole program this whole campaign mine moving up to reinvent is going to be here on LinkedIn City ID.

Is it 13 years ago. I know a lot of these really really well and that’s kind of what the led me to be a community Hero by sharing that knowledge. There’s a ton of these that I’ve never touched K. There’s a hundred and twenty some different Services a bunch of them.

I have never touched and I’m sure you have never played with him as well. Here’s what I’m proposing over the next 75 days notice is not going to be daily thing. But I’m thinking maybe two or three times a week we get on the stream. We spent half an hour, maybe an hour together here on LinkedIn talking about it at monitoring the comments.

So you can fire up the comments. You can tell me your reactions at ask questions and things like that, you know, and I think we should go through some of the services that we got a question from Augusta will jump to that in just one second. But what I want to finish off on this point is that No, I did a sample like ended up being 42 minutes of supposed to be 30.

You can see here on textract. So I went through basically what the service is somehow. It’s priced out how it works. And then we got into the actual code right very very simple stuff. You do not have to have previous coding experience. I walked through all the basics and made a ton of mistakes myself cuz I never actually tried to extract which takes a text out of images before I fired up his livestream, right? So I’m putting myself out there making some mistakes look at a bit silly in cases and but by the end of it, we actually found out that we could pull out data as expected from textract and see that we got a conference scores.

I’m so we pulled textual data out of an image just like the service was designed. It took a little longer than 30 minutes, but that’s the kind of thing. I’m thinking when it comes to their we go to the too many tabs open already and I only have four I’ve not had my coffee yet.

That’s the kind of thing. I was thinking about these different services with just a quick hit. I’ve seen where it’s useful seeing how you can get value out of it walking through an exploring it because I think there’s a lot of use cases where people aren’t necessarily leveraging Services really can’t because I think they’re intimidating the same building as big massive project something like textract very simple example of you images in your birthday today business work that you need to pull text out of knowing that service taking 10-15 minutes to figure it out could be really really valuable.

And so I guess I would ask the Fantastic question here around and is serverless, you know, the future security and high availability designs things like that hundred percent. So serverless is a design pattern lamp as a core part of that but anything where you’re not managing me of the structure really falls under serverless, so you’ll see like dynamodb serverless.

You don’t have to worry about anything. You just kind of throw data into it had a rough 53 really simple spots the serverless S3 serverless is old which of these services that Are serverless by designs, you’re not managing capacity infrastructure things like that. You should be starting by designing serverless applications.

They’re very simple. They were straightforward and they tend to follow the flow of your application. What is the reality is? You’re not always writing things from scratch. That’s why if you can’t do in serverless do in containers of can’t do in containers do it in instances or virtual servers, right? And that’s sort of the idea and the reason comes down to what do you want to focus on there’s all the stuff that you can kind of get lost in that’s not really worth it at your job as a developer as somebody in the business unit and security whatever the case maybe is not managing it infrastructure.

Your job is delivering business value moving that business Ford service is a fantastic way to do that because it takes most of the it Mountain that you do for IT sake and pushes it off AWS and they’re going to do a way better than we ever could and even if they do at the same level that weekend, we’re not doing it.

I’m a big fan of doing less. I’m especially when it gets you more so absolutely got to do Services the future. But in the future takes time, we can sit there and go. Hey, it’s really easy to build. Everything is herbalist. But that’s not the reality. There’s a bunch of Legacy stuff out there.

There’s a bunch of applications that are working perfectly fine you rewrite you want to move to serverless and as things are new you want to move the service, but have a great question. Keep them coming. Obviously. I’m monitoring the stream for that kind of stuff back to the point at hand here.

So we have all these Services. I think I can help you understand some of them because there are great tools that you can use to make your life easier. So I fired out a tweet on Sunday night talking about how I use the new GitHub actions beta on GitHub to automatically distribute my my static website to S3 in a few people, Tulocay.

That’s really cool, you know, interesting approach like how come and at least the idea was it made mistakes. I wanted to automate things instead of manually copy of my sight up into S3. I want an automated. So now I did now the endpoint of that is an AWS Service as 3D.

Other pieces from GitHub are not but you could use codecommit just as easily but I think there’s a lot of these sort of business wins the people ignore because they think everything they Cloud should be big another great example. I host a show called mornings with Mark you don’t normally once once maybe twice a week.

I talked for about 5 to 7 minutes on a security and privacy issue when I push that out to Twitter live and I post it on my YouTube channel. I’m so YouTube slash mark NCAA, you can see it up in the corner and the you see my name there that’s that’s all night handles on social and end in that show.

I automatically run a bunch of stuff in Cloud behind the scenes, right? So I automatically take the video and pull the audio out and then transcribe that audio into text. I sent that text to analyze to see the content of it. So it’s under machine learning Services I end up using a transcribe I then use comprehends to discover their the inside.

The relationship in the text I have just to see a what keywords I’m talking about recently, right? And that’s a simple script. It took me a little while to kind of perfected but it ends up being like 6070 lines of really simple straightforward code that generates value every time I run it so I just send it video and it spits back results.

I think that’s huge. I think there’s a ton of winds like that for most people so that’s the idea here because reinvent is coming up so you can see here on the main reinvent page. We’ve got 75 days left. I think if you learn more about the AWS Cloud going into reinvented, we’re not just going to focus.

We’re going to focus on any of this time around and going to ignore the other clouds especially talking with security privacy. I’m talking with design techniques was applied to the other clouds as well and will focus on the big event that’s coming but realistically this stuff is is all out there and that’s that’s really really important.

So we’re going to do that and we’re going to fire that up you’re going to The all of the great things about reinvent if you want to know what’s going on with reinvent My ultimate God is here. So go to read that a cloud Guru or eight. Guru Ultimate Guide to reinvent if you just search The Ultimate Guide a divorce agreement this post actually pops up.

I’ll put in the description for the stream. And what ends up happening is this is a very simple goes through and make sense of what’s happening with rain. I’m constantly updating this and give you a little blurb about who I am. I been to every AWS reinvent since the start and we talked about things like, you know, the code of conduct absolutely critical how did set up registration and lodging and you know, every little key part is in here at including the how to reinvent series which is really really cool.

And that’s Jill and Annie from AWS Hostess great YouTube show where they explain some of the inside things about plus thousand people on reinvent. We’re coming to reinvent this year, which is absolutely insane now, I think we might have dropped the stream cuz we are on Burlington here, but we’re going to keep going cuz you recording us and we’ll post it up to you to have after the fact and I will put that back in LinkedIn so that we can at check it out.

But yeah 8th guide to reinvent is up and running and then I you can check the main 8 of your sight obviously continuously have but that’s the goal. So what do I hear from you what I’d love to see some comments and suggestions of what you want to see so I like I said 75 days out planning, maybe two or three streams a week on diving in the cemetery services or talking about Cortana vs.

Principles of is he talking about security talking about privacy? Cuz that’s the focus of mine but not limited to that. We’re to talk about how to build how to take advantage of some of these core services and inserted how to dip your toe in the water and realize that you want to build massive thing is a lot of value of ants in really simple things that can make your business day.

Go better. Obviously, we’ve got some surprises. We got some cool stuff a planet keep saying week. It’s just me. I got some interesting ideas got some cool stuff. I think plan that you will probably We enjoy let’s go back to this and that I think it probably really really enjoy but the idea here is engaging with you guys engaging with the community and understanding what you want to see what you want to get out of this.

I have a real deep familiarity with a lot of the stuff to work with AWS for a really really long time and I’m offering that sort of to you folks. Do I know everything absolutely not I’m going to make some spectacularly fantastic amazing mistakes guarantee, especially For Life coding and working together on that kind of stuff.

You were going to see some amazing things. So maybe two Ninjas to see somebody at you know, who’s out there making ridiculous mistakes, but I find we can learn really well from those mistakes and that’s important right learning that stuff moving through so that’s the goal and that’s the setup.

Hit me up on Twitter on any social media with your suggestions, in the in the Stream links down below and let me know what you’re looking for right and let me know what the best venue is here. I think a LinkedIn makes sense because a lot of people are there and we’ve been since the stream But you know if it makes more sense to push this YouTuber both of the same time, that’s cool, too.

But the idea here is I want to hear from you what you want to learn leading up to eight of yes, we can go complicated but I think making it simple going to be better. So something that we can ideally Compass within 30 minutes maybe up to an hour though, you know, it’s going to grow some typical example specific challenges.

Let’s get those. Let’s share those with walk-up. Let’s work together. Cuz if we can learn more of the time we hit the ground running at reinvent, I think you’re being way more out of the show because you will have covered all that basic stuff. You have a better idea of the context you’re working.

And so that’s the thought that’s the goal. That’s the 2019 road to reinvent and let me know what you’re thinking. I really look forward to this. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. I over the next couple months of the next 75 days as we all get ready to meet in Vegas for the biggest by far conference in Cloud that has still retained that very very cool Edge.

Hit me up. Let me know and we’ll talk to you real soon.

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