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Werner Vogel's Keynote at AWS re:Invent 2021

AWS re:Invent is always THE event in cloud. Werner Vogels delivered the latest version of his hotly anticipated keynote on day four.

Werner Vogel's Keynote at AWS re:Invent 2021

AWS re:Invent is always THE event in cloud. Werner Voegls delivered the latest version of his hotly anticipated keynote on day four.

This πŸ‘‡ is the Twitter thread of my coverage of the keynote…

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. @werner takes the stage @awscloud #reinvent on day four. this is always a hotly anticipated keynote. for the past few years Werner has delivered a talk that shifts how builders view the problems they solve & changes the way they work. what does he have in store for us today?

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love this intro video for @werner #reinvent

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so many callbacks and shout outs! #reinvent

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remember @QuinnyPig is also live tweeting this keynote. check out his take πŸ‘‡ #reinvent

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honestly, it is hard to believe that it’s already been ten years of @awscloud #reinvent

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here we go! #reinvent

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1st t-shirt from @werner, β€œThe Stranglers” (music, not tech reference πŸ˜‰) @awscloud #reinvent

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2006: Innovation was constrained (pre-cloud) #reinvent

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cloud changed the game by making everything a programmable resource, @werner #reinvent

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EC2 in 2006 : super simple, 3 instance types #reinvent

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let’s say it’s changed slightly since then… #reinvent

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NEW FEATURE: Amazon EC2 M1 Mac instances << awesome! #reinvent

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as per @apple, 60% cost improvement over Intel-based Macs #reinvent

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EC2 launches 60 million instances every day! << that’s crazy. just crazy #reinvent

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The cloud removed constraints, @werner << …and that opened up so many possibilities to change how we work #reinvent

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. @werner seems slightly frustrated at the laws of physics. totally understand 🀣 #reinvent

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remember when @awscloud was just a handful of regions? #reinvent

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adding more regions made things like Alexa possible. without those regions, latency would be too high and it’s wouldn’t feel natural #reinvent

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. @awscloud has become massive over the past 15 years. lots of infrastructure in place to help reduce latency and provide choice more at

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NEW FEATURE: @awscloud new local zones starting in 2022 #reinvent

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customer example from @werner: JackTrip, a live performance service that leverages @awscloud Local Zones to avoid latency issues << very cool more on them at #reinvent

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. @werner is continuing the latency theme. now talking about @awscloud Wavelength more at #reinvent

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networking in 2006: super simple and direct #reinvent

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this led to a lot of innovation around @awscloud EC2 networking. lots of use cases required more, so they built it #reinvent

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EC2 Classic eventually got deprecated…eventually…almost 🀣 15-Aug-2022 is the current target

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this is where we’re at today with network & delivery services. crazy rich set of options to build solutions with #reinvent

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some @awscloud customers are running thousands of VPCs, some even 10,000+ VPCs #reinvent

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NEW SERVICE: @awscloud Cloud WAN, build, manage, and monitor global wide area networks for folks with those πŸ‘† types of challenges #reinvent

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to use: 1. select regions you want to use 2. @awscloud VPN or Direct Connect to closest site 3. πŸ§™ …though I’m sure there’s more to it πŸ˜‰

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can’t wait to dig into @awscloud Cloud WAN. seems like a godsend for large scale networks. those get super complicated quickly, this could really help #reinvent

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rare shot of @awscloud hardware…it does exist, btw #reinvent

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more hardware shots. it’s rare to see these at an @awscloud event without someone smashing them on stage 🀣 #reinvent

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a peek at what @awscloud Outposts offers from those units #reinvent

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on to #IoT now… #reinvent

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a bit of @awscloud Industrial now more at #reinvent

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lots more hardware pics…what is happening?!? #reinvent

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β€œVideo is a data stream to be analyzed, instead of something to be watched”, @werner #reinvent

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more on Monitron: more on Panorama Appliance: #reinvent

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on to the Snow* family now…are we getting a new one?!? #reinvent

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like Snow Globe? #reinvent

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nope. off to space now. more on @awscloud Ground Station at #reinvent

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more on the Hope Probe at #reinvent

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customer up now, @capellaspace #reinvent

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talking about monitoring shipping activity in the real world. maybe through simulation? the intro was confusing and in inspire-speak #reinvent

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terrestrial sensors? #reinvent

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ok, that was apparently a transition into the justiciation for sensors in space #reinvent

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…which I’m pretty sure we all understand the advantages of. we’ve watched enough crazy sci-fi to know #reinvent

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these sensors generate a massive amount of data #reinvent

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now tying this data challenge back to the computer science & operational issues << for these types of stories, it’s really important to understand the audience builders understand the scale of 500PB as a stream. just dive in and use the space angle to frame the story #reinvent

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I want to know more about this use case. but this isn’t the format for it. need something that follows the data throughout the system, that would really hit home #reinvent

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this example of making a request to the satellite sensors is way more impactful. lead with that @capellaspace! #reinvent

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β€œOne click to make a request from a space sensor” << that’s a hell of a lede #reinvent

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more from @capellaspace at #reinvent

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did not see this when it launched in March: #reinvent

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Lunar 1 region β€œmay not be that far away” << @KroonenburgRyan called in two weeks ago in our @acloudguru pre-#reinvent webinar! …he was just off a bit on the timing

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β€˜nuff said #reinvent

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Distributed but not decentralized, @werner #reinvent

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on to @awscloud IAM now…I’m getting excited /cc @AWSSecurityInfo #reinvent

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IAM turned 10 this year. more from the @awscloud blog at #reinvent

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IAM is part of every API call that you make. it needs to be running at scale, securely, all the time without fail #reinvent

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high level overview of the IAM design #reinvent

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two key #security fundamentals #reinvent

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πŸ‘† we covered that in a @TwitterSpaces with @andrewbrown the other day. make sure to check out his other spaces this week. they’ve been fantastic #reinvent

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. @werner giving a simplified walk through of how @awscloud IAM does authentication #reinvent

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why do I ❀️ this conference? slides like this at the major keynotes #reinvent

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. @werner walking through a super simplified version of the mechanics behind request validation and how your key material is kept safe #reinvent

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bottom line: @awscloud IAM is an extremely well design secure system. lots of well thought out solutions to hit the required scale while meeting the #security requirements #reinvent

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. @awscloud IAM processes 1/2 BILLION API calls/second #reinvent

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do you ever sleep @AWSSecurityInfo? #reinvent

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for more on these types of details, be sure to follow @mchancloud. he publishes a lot on @AWSIdentity (sorry for bugging you @AWSSecurityInfo, I always forget that IAM has their own account) #reinvent

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. @werner talking about how simple machines can combine into more sophisticated systems #reinvent

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the primitives are the critical part. they let you build what you need in the manner you need it #reinvent

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this is an interesting contrast to the announcements from @aselipsky & @SwamiSivasubram who were deliver the exact opposite…because that new wave of @awscloud customers need that higher level tooling #reinvent

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...but there’s still plenty of us at the nerdy core! 🀣 #reinvent

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β€œThis is your fault”, @werner << all of theses services are based on customer needs and follow @awscloud’s building philosophy of trying to keep it simple #reinvent

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I β€œblame” @ben11kehoe for every @awscloud service that includes IoT in the name… #reinvent

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did a complete 180 here and are talking about frontend development…builders who live in frameworks #reinvent

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NEW SERVICE: AWS Amplify Studio, visual build complete feature-rich apps in hours with full control over the code #reinvent

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. @ASpittel up now to talk about @AWSAmplify #reinvent

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. @ASpittel showing how easy it is to build an app with the new @AWSAmplify Studio honestly, this might get me to use Amplify (finally). I could code it all but why should I? this is a great time saver #reinvent

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ohh, nice link to @figmadesign from @AWSAmplify Studio #reinvent

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this looks super slick #reinvent

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it’s not true β€œcopy & paste development” until you hit up @StackOverflow at least once πŸ˜‰ #reinvent

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β€œcredible react code”, @ASpittel trying to start a fight from main stage @awscloud #reinvent

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wow, that @figmadesign integration is nice and deep. it’ll detect the updates and let you one-click update #reinvent

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some key points on @AWSAmplify in general. Studio takes advantage of these automatically #reinvent

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. @werner coming back up. fantastic job @ASpittel! #reinvent

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β€œ@awscloud We value innovation over coordination”, @werner #reinvent

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πŸ‘† it’s all about focusing on the customers that team is working directly for. can’t wait for coordination << while frustrating sometimes in the edges, the benefits are undeniable #reinvent

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. @werner cites some confusing API designs when compared to other services. in isolation they make sense but we don’t use @awscloud in isolation #reinvent

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to help, they launched the @awscloud Cloud Control API #reinvent

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πŸ‘†that’s a very @awscloud solution to teams not coordinating. stand up another team (who also won’t coordinate first) to solve the problem 🀣 #reinvent

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on to @werner’s 6 keys to API design #reinvent

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1. APIs are forever #reinvent

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2. Never break backward compatibility #reinvent

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3. Work backwards from customer use cases #reinvent

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4. Create APIs with explicit and well-documented failure modes #reinvent

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5. Create APIs that are self-describing and have a clear, specific purpose #reinvent

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6. Avoid leaking implementation details at all costs #reinvent

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πŸ‘†if teams followed these six simple principles, we’d all be so, so much better off #reinvent

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NEW LAUNCH: @awscloud SDKs for Swift, Kotlin, and Rust #reinvent

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more on the @awscloud CDK at #reinvent

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NEW LAUNCH: @awscloud CDK v2 - one package for all AWS CDK libs - better handling of experimental classes, methods, & properties - CDK watch #reinvent

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. @werner doesn’t like the name β€œCDK Watch”. he likes, β€œCDK hot swap” << that makes more sense. keep your apps running while you update things #reinvent

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NEW LAUNCH: Construct Hub, find and use open source @awscloud CDK libraries #reinvent

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. @awscloud DevTools Hero @NIDeveloper up now on main stage! #reinvent

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. @NIDeveloper talking about @LibertyMutual’s journey to the cloud from the #dev point of view #reinvent

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β€œCode is a liability”, @NIDeveloper << 100% agree #reinvent

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. @NIDeveloper now onto their CDK journey #reinvent

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well that’s a hell of an improvement… #reinvent

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took time to get builders on board. CDK is another complete tool after all #reinvent

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if you want to try @awscloud CDK yourself: #reinvent

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. @NIDeveloper showing the results of the journey. ❀️ the nod to the @awscloud Well-Architected Framework #reinvent

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haven’t said it yet but @NIDeveloper is PUMPED. high energy segment for sure. love it! #reinvent

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excellent goals to have... #reinvent

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excellent work @NIDeveloper! #reinvent

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wow. @NIDeveloper gets the β€œNow Go Build Award” from @werner. very well deserved! #reinvent

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ohhh, should out to the @awscloud Heroes program 😊 #reinvent

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now @werner is on to sustainability #reinvent

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β€œThe greenest energy is the energy you don’t use”, Peter DeSantis, @awscloud #reinvent

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. @werner applying the Shared Responsibility Model to sustainability #reinvent

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things like #serverless design patterns are a way to be more sustainable. it’s all about efficiency and optimizations #reinvent

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. @mikegchambers really nailed this in our day one recap chat. this came up at 2x keynotes now. #reinvent

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β€œDon’t forget to turn off the lights”, @Werner #reinvent

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understanding the impact of your design decisions on sustainability is key to moving forward #reinvent

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this would make a great @awscloud Well-Architected Framework pillar… #reinvent

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…oh… #reinvent

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NEW PILLAR: @awscloud Well-Architected Sustainability Pillar #reinvent

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🀣🀣🀣, I did not know that was coming. super glad it’s here though #reinvent

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NEW SERVICE: @awscloud re:Post, a community-driven question and answer site to help customers #reinvent

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. @werner with a shout out for the AMAZING Builders Library. dive in at #reinvent

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I took a closer look at a few papers from the library a couple weeks back. more at #reinvent

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πŸ€–πŸŽΆ #reinvent

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little trailer for New World. more at #reinvent

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if you’re interested in the game, @IGN has a review at #reinvent

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nice logo drop there #reinvent

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. @Werner walking through some of the technical details of New World even if you’re not a gamer, the architecture behind them are fascinating #reinvent

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the world is sharded in the back end in order to provide the resiliency needed #reinvent

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this way, the open world stays open but doesn’t run into scaling up issues 185 world at launch. 500 quickly there after #reinvent

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30/second actions for all entities in the world are processed #reinvent

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the game servers are stateless. they can always be restarted. everything gets written to @awscloud DynamoDB behind the scenes #reinvent

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. @werner now talking about the observability challenges of this type of system #reinvent

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. @awscloud #reinvent 2012 quote, β€œLog everything”, @werner

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this game is pumped out a massive amount of data. it’s crazy #reinvent

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some of the #serverless micro services supporting the game would love to see a complete architecture diagram and walk through #reinvent

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a look at the session-based modes architecture #reinvent

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a higher level view of part of the architecture #reinvent

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β€œBuild systems the way you always wanted to, but never could”, @werner #reinvent

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πŸ‘† 2012 🀦 #reinvent

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πŸ”„ @werner’s 2012 keynote from @awscloud #reinvent

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these concepts and areas of focus are just as important today as when @werner brought them up in 2012 #reinvent

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β€œThank you, and now go build”, @werner << thank you Werner for another fantastic keynote. lots to think about /🧡 #reinvent

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