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Stephen Schmidt's Security Leadership Session at AWS re:Invent 2021

The leadership session at AWS re:Invent provide a deeper dive into a specific area of focus. Stephen Schmidt, CISO at AWS takes the stage to talk all things security.

Stephen Schmidt's Security Leadership Session at AWS re:Invent 2021

The leadership session at AWS re:Invent provide a deeper dive into a specific area of focus. Stephen Schmidt, CISO at AWS takes the stage to talk all things security.

I missed the first 10 minutes of the session and will update this post when I watch it on demand.

The First 10 Minutes

THe session is now available on demand so I was able to watch the first ten minutes. Here are my takeaways as a list, instead of a tweet storm;

Live Tweets

This 👇 is the Twitter thread of my coverage of the keynote…

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...ahhh, jumping in late to this one #reinvent

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Sarah from @AWSIdentity up now… #reinvent

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“MFA is the best way to secure your work as you build”, Sarah from @AWSIdentity with a Yubikey on her earrings! 👇 her plates… #reinvent

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ok, now I want a Yubikey on my earrings too. Sarah recommended this one, the 5c nano: #reinvent

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“All workloads on @awscloud should be multi-account, that’s how we’ve designed @AWSIdentity” #reinvent #security

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“If you are a human, you should be logging into @awscloud through SSO”, Sarah from @AWSIdentity #reinvent #security

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more on @AWSIdentity SSO at #reinvent #security

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the “data perimeter” idea is all about protecting your solutions from all angles #reinvent

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Sarah covering some @AWSIdentity recent releases. top of the list: IAM Access Analyzer more at #reinvent #security

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…there is also Network Access Analyzer more on that new release at #reinvent #securtiy

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another one in the list, Access Analyzer policy validation more on that at #reinvent #security

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Sarah also calls out the IAM Access Analyzer policy generation feature released by @AWSIdentity a little while back more at #reinvent #security

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👆 great list. everyone should be using these tools regularly #reinvent #security

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. @StephenSchmidt back up to switch gears…updates! #reinvent #security

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162 checks now in @awscloud Security Hub! + VPC endpoint support ( #reinvent

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Amazon Detective got support S3 and DNS finding types more at #reinvent #security

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. @awscloud Shield automatically does application layer DDoS mitigation more: #reinvent #security

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Amazon Inspector got a big update. I covered that at lots of great stuff in this complete revamp #reinvent #security

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there is a dedicated session on site for Amazon Inspector. will be on demand in a few days #reinvent #security

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simple win: update the alternative security contact for your accounts. you can do this via Orgs and the CLI now more on that at #reinvent #security

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“Consider the Security Pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework” << …and the rest of the framework! there’s a ton of amazing stuff in there that contributes to security more #reinvent #security

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Thomas Avant coming up now to talk about security culture at @awscloud #reinvent #security

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here’s another great talk about @awscloud #security culture from re:Inforce 2021: be sure to bookmark this one 👇 and watch it later #reinvent

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they regularly remind employees about the importance of #security to the work their doing #reinvent

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🔑 @awscloud is always looking for ways to empower everyone to be a part of the #security team #reinvent #infosec

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@StephenSchmidt himself gets page if it comes to that…it’s not fun, I’ve seen it”, Thomas Avant #reinvent #infosec

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“We’ve got all the runbooks you would expect @awscloud but we’re also heavily reliant on employees making the best decisions possible” #reinvent #infosec

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👆 that only works because they’ve built up that #security culture. it’s hard work but well worth it #reinvent

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I ❤️ how many times I’ve heard “builders” in this #security session #reinvent

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. @StephenSchmidt back up to talk about what sets @awscloud apart from the #security angle #reinvent

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first up: containers & code #reinvent #security

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“Containing risk through isolation”, pun NOT pardoned @StephenSchmidt 🤣😉 #reinvent #infosec

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more on Amazon CodeGuru at #reinvent #infosec

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there’s now a nice integration with Amazon CodeGuru + @awscloud Secrets Manager. more on that at #reinvent #infosec

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. @awscloud GuardDuty support for #k8s audit logs coming in early 2022! #reinvent

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broader container support coming to other @AWSSecurityInfo services too. no firm ETA but it’s being worked on… #reinvent #infosec

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I remember when these slides were just a couple of names. nice to see the expansion of the #security partner community around @awscloud #reinvent

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. @awscloud re:Inforce 2022 dates announced! 28 & 29-Jun-2022 in Houston, TX #reinvent #infosec

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closing quote from @StephenSchmidt. this was a great leadership session (as expected), can’t wait to catch the first 10m on replay #reinvent #security

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. @StephenSchmidt even gets in the “Please complete the session survey” plug at the end! 🤣 /🧵 #reinvent #security

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