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Debunking 30 Enduring Myths of Cloud Security

No other technology revolution has induced more fear, uncertainty, and doubt for so long than the cloud. This post explores the "why" of it and more...

Debunking 30 Enduring Myths of Cloud Security

No other technology revolution has induced more fear, uncertainty, and doubt for so long than the cloud. With all its growing variations (e.g., SaaS, IaaS, PaaS), just trying to define it has driven confusion. That’s before you attempt to apply it to your business or secure it.

David Spark gathered comments and opionions from cloud security leaders on why these myths are enduring and what the challenges are.

“I think they’re actually all linked,” said Mark Nunnikhoven ( @marknca ), vp, cloud research, Trend Micro . “They have the same underlying root cause; an assumption that ‘traditional’ security approaches worked and were optimal.”

Mark Nunnikhoven, vp, cloud research, Trend Micro. “They have the same underlying root cause; an assumption that ‘traditional’ security approaches worked and were optimal.”

The cloud myths that persist today are rooted in the belief that security is a siloed activity within an organization, added Nunnikhoven. And as we all know, that’s far from the case.

Read the full article over on CISO Series.

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