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Reactive Systems on AWS

AWS has a huge library of fantastic resources. This post highlights the recently released whitepaper about building reactive systems on AWS.

Reactive Systems on AWS

AWS has a huge library of fantastic resources. This post highlights the recently released whitepaper about building reactive systems on AWS.

Reactive Systems on AWS”, helps line up The Reactive Manifesto and various AWS concepts and services.

I call out a few more details in the Twitter thread below…

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highlighting another @awscloud white paper leading up to @awsreinvent

this time, let's look at Reactive Systems on AWS. available as a PDF at

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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this thread is available unwound at

yesterday's thread at

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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this white paper is all about how to adapt the elements in The Reactive Manifesto,, to an @awscloud environment

these systems are "more flexible, loosely-coupled and scalable"

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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the manifesto lays out four key areas for reactive systems:

1. responsive 2. resilient 3. elastic 4. message driven

the white paper follows this structure and adds observability & tracing

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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I'll say this right now, tracing is absolutely critical to the success of any loosely coupled system. trying to figure out which events/messages related to which issue is a nightmare if you haven't planned ahead

that 🧠 is echoed more politely in the paper

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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the paper walks through example use cases (like #adtech) that you should abstract as much as possible.

you might not be serving ads but your problem set might look similar

there's also blocking & synchronicity. these are great topics to dive deeper into

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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the tail of the paper lines up some key @awscloud services & features with the reactive elements.

this is ok, but honestly, I would prefer a more neutral take or links out to projects that show specifics.

the middle ground doesn't hold much value here

🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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all-in-all this is an interesting paper that highlights a great cloud-native approach to system design.

it's deep enough to give you an idea of the advantages but you'll need more if you're going to actually build a reactive system on @awscloud

/🧵☁️ #cloud #devops

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