Archive · · 1 min read

What Do You Want To Learn?

I recently made a career move and it's allowed me to re-double my efforts in the community. What do you want to learn about cloud and security?

What Do You Want To Learn?

I don’t talk about my “actual” job that often. It’s no secret that I work in cybersecurity and I’ve recently made a change. I’m excited to announce that I’ll be continuing my own learning journey with Lacework where I’m joining as a Distinguished Cloud Strategist.

A lot of people asked if I would be continuing my videos and posts in any new role I took on. The answer is unequivocally yes.

While I do have a lot of internal responsibilities, I’ll be more active than ever in the community! I have a mountain 🏔 of new topics to learn about and share with you. But, more important than that, I want to know what YOU want to learn about!

Let me know on Twitter, where I’m @marknca.

…and thank you for all your continued support.

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