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New Features That Will Help You Build Better From Day One at AWS re:Invent

Notable new features and functionality announced during day one at AWS re:Invent 2022.

New Features That Will Help You Build Better From Day One at AWS re:Invent
At re:Invent or attending remotely? Check out my “Ultimate Guide to AWS re:Invent 2022” post for some tips and tricks to get the most out of the show.

You’ve probably read it in the guide 👆 or heard me saying it a bunch in person or on Twitter, AWS pushes out a lot of updates during AWS re:Invent.

When I shared this thread 👇 on Twitter just before 2pm eastern, AWS had already published 52 different updates. WTF?!? That’s crazy. Good crazy, but still crazy.

More on the way for sure…

Twitter Thread

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a few notable, new @awscloud announcements so far today from #reinvent 👇 /cc @AWSEvents /1

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Amazon S3 multi-region access points get new functionality that allows you to shift data access requests to different regions as things hit the fan #reinvent /2 #reinvent

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GAME CHANGER*: @awscloud Config _finally_ allows for proactive rules that can be run BEFORE spinning something up to catch issues * changes the game in that we can all remove a bunch of Lambda/EventBridge stuff now /3 #reinvent

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@awscloud Glue increments it's inexplicable version number to 4.0, brining a bunch of new features & data formats along with it headline should've been: "AWS Glue out of the blue with features new to you" /4 #reinvent

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@awscloud Wickr finally launches after the acquisition in 2021 e2e enterprise messaging feels like a better fit than the consumer facing version that is being retired /5 #reinvent

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AWS Control Tower launches a preview of comprehensive controls management honestly, there's so much stuff in Control Tower, I get lost trying to sort it all out tl:dr: it's got more stuff now. use it to help keep your accounts standardized /6 #reinvent

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@awsmarketplace for Containers can now deploy directly into an @awscloud EKS Cluster most ppl assumed this was possible (if they knew the marketplace existed) already. it wasn't it is now. I consider this a fix, not a launch /7 #reinvent

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not often you see a solution get prominent billing, but here's a cool one. this post 👇 describes how to use @awslambda as an endpoint for your ML 🧠 experimentation /8 #reinvent

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the @awscloud Glue team continues to deliver some great features. you can now launch @raydistributed jobs from the service still 🤦 that the team continues to miss amazing headline opportunities... /9 #reinvent

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last one to call out for now @awscloud RDS gets blue/green deployments for Aurora with MySQL, RDS for MySQl, and RDS for MariaDB a couple clicks to safely deploy changes? yes, please /🧵 #reinvent

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