A recent CBC News article highlighted both the powers of border agents to search digital devices and the general lack of awareness of your rights at the border. Are you aware of your rights as you cross the border? Do you take precautions to protect your digital footprint?
Facebook held its annual F8 developer conference this week and—in addition to the usual product updates—they repeatedly talked about creating and enabling private spaces. What's stopping them? 15 years of poor information management.
The NBA playoffs are in full swing and there's a huge rules controversy around one superstar's—James Harden—jump shot. Is it a foul? Regardless of the answer, it pushes the rules to the limit. The same thing happens in cybersecurity. People just trying to get their job done will push th
The Fortnite developer teams at Epic Games are working in a perpetual "crunch time" situation. That's not sustainable by any measure...and from all reports, things are bad over at Epic.
Facial recognition is becoming more and more common. In some cases, it's used to make existing procedures more efficient or to connect existing data points together. While that seems like the community has already consented to these use cases, people often have a visceral rea
Thomas Brewster, writing for Forbes, highlighted a recent case by the DEA. The case itself isn't out of the ordinary. What is interesting is the issues raised by search warrant request for LogMeIn.com...parent company of LastPass. This password management service is used by the accused a
It's tempting to search for the "perfect" solution to a problem. The challenge? That "perfection" rarely exists. But time after time, we seek out these perfect solutions. Nothing's perfect. Security is far from perfect. But we keep trying for perfect sceurity&
Serverless architectures are a fantastic solution to a lot—not all—design challenge. The benefits they bring are substantial and they can reduce the overall ops and development burden for a lot of teams. But when we're talking about serverless, are we all talking about the same thing?
A recent report from the Canadian Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) saw a dramatic increase in complaints with billing being one of the top reasons. That's not especially noteworthy in an industry known for poor customer service...until you dig a little dee
A recent study by NCSU found that there are way more API keys and tokens uploaded to GitHub than previously thought. In fact, there's almost a near constant stream of secrets being exposed...why?!?