

Australia, Huawei, Apple, and the Government of Canada
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Australia, Huawei, Apple, and the Government of Canada

Data privacy is a critical area of concern around the world. Look no further than four distinct events today: Australia passing a new law, an arrest for Huawei, Apple publishes a new paper, and the Government of Canada sets a new directive.

Apple, Graylock, And Context
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Apple, Graylock, And Context

With iOS 12, Apple will reduce the time an iOS device responds to the USB port when locked down to an hour. Having a hard time understanding why that matters to you? It's because it really won't. It is however a gap in the security posture of these devices that Apple is fixing.

iOS Graykey And Going Dark
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iOS Graykey And Going Dark

Encryption on mobile devices is a challenge for law enforcement. 3rd party companies often use hacks in their products to address this need. Is it right? Is it sustainable?

Apple vs. The FBI
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Apple vs. The FBI

The FBI and other federal law enforcement in the US (and elsewhere) continue to push back against "going dark". Thankfully Apple is fighting back, because when we break security systems and processes, no one wins. This post tracks the signficant events in Apple vs. the FBI.

Apple iOS Messenger App Crash
Apple ·

Apple iOS Messenger App Crash

A huge bug hit the news yesterday that impacts Apple's iOS platform. Very easy to launch a denial of service attack against random users by just sending 1 specific character in the Telugu languge to them.