

Cybersecurity Basics #1 - The Goal
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Cybersecurity Basics #1 - The Goal

The basics starts with understanding the goal of security. It sounds simple but the goal is to make sure whatever you build works as you intend...and only as you intend!

G Suite for Education
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G Suite for Education

GMail in the classroom just like on your phone. The promise of G Suite for Education is enticing. A low-cost way for schools to provide collaboration tools to students and teachers. But what are the privacy implications of letting the search giant into our schools?

The Basics
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The Basics

A friend highlighted a real issue: there isn't enough material about basic cybersecurity that's easily relatable.

Operational Security
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Operational Security

Connecting with others is critical but it can also pose a risk. It's important not to "leak" information needlessly. This is a practice know as operational security. It's critically important...and often ignored.

3d Printing
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3d Printing

3d printing holds a mountain of promise. While the technology is taking longer than generally expected to make an impact, the areas where it is having an impact are significant. While copyright and outdated thinking get in the way of this technology?

Easy To Use Tools
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Easy To Use Tools

We're creating more and more data but despite advancements in data processing, we're still lacking easy to use tools to understand what's happening around us. What can we do to fix this?

Learning From Failure
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Learning From Failure

No one wins all the time. Don't seek out failure but we shouldn't be afraid of sharing our failures so that others may learn.

Toxicity & Security's Responsibility
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Toxicity & Security's Responsibility

Security is there to ensure that the systems you build work only as intended. Part of that is realizing the potential for abuse and ensuring that the system and users can continue to work safely...there's a LOT of work to do.

Discussions At Scale
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Discussions At Scale

A lot of the issues facing our communities and sub communities today (deep fakes, encryption, privacy, DevOps, etc.) need active discussions. By their very nature, you can't really have discussions at scale...right?

Deep Fakes Was That Real
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Deep Fakes Was That Real

Is that video real? Are you sure? A new technique makes it easier than ever to create passable fake videos of prominent people. You cannot trust your eyes anymore.