

Security Keys, UX, & Reasonable Choices
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Security Keys, UX, & Reasonable Choices

Passwords are a horrible way to verifying identities but they are the best thing we currently have that works at scale. Adding a 2nd factor to that verification significantly increases the security of the system. But how can you add that factor without sacrificing usability?

Constant Negative Pressure
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Constant Negative Pressure

You cannot stand at "Red Alert" 24/7 but that's exactly what we do in cybersecurity...often without realizing it. What impact does that have an our approach? Our attitude? Our mental health?

Smartphone Addiction Intended Consequence
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Smartphone Addiction Intended Consequence

Is your phone trying to trick you into never putting it down? Smartphone addiction has become such a massive problem that the two major operating systems—Apple and Android—now include features designed to help you use your device less. Is this what we have come down to?

Balance & Burnout
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Balance & Burnout

It's all too easy to burnout in IT in general...more so in security. Why? What's the cost?

Ignorance & Risk
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Ignorance & Risk

Some perceptions override the logic behind risk decisions. How do you fight through to make a sound decision?

Facial Recognition Discussion Required
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Facial Recognition Discussion Required

Facial recognition is a technology that exemplifies the underlying neutrality of most technology. When used with positive intentions it makes out devices more secure. When in the wrong hands, it can violate privacy on a massive scale. Do we need to regulate this technology? At what level? Regardles

Document, Automate, Repeat
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Document, Automate, Repeat

If you're working by hand, you're failing. In today's world of security, rapid delivery, and new technologies, automation is critical.

🧠 A.I. In Context
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🧠 A.I. In Context

The popular perception of A.I. does not line up with its current capabilities. A look at what's real and what's not.