

Fear Uncertainty And Doubt
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Fear Uncertainty And Doubt

Cybersecurity is often positioned from the negative. There are bad things coming to get you! What a waste of energy...

iOS Graykey And Going Dark
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iOS Graykey And Going Dark

Encryption on mobile devices is a challenge for law enforcement. 3rd party companies often use hacks in their products to address this need. Is it right? Is it sustainable?

Apple vs. The FBI
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Apple vs. The FBI

The FBI and other federal law enforcement in the US (and elsewhere) continue to push back against "going dark". Thankfully Apple is fighting back, because when we break security systems and processes, no one wins. This post tracks the signficant events in Apple vs. the FBI.

Ubiquitous Digital Tracking
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Ubiquitous Digital Tracking

Had enough of the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica scandal yet? Yeah, me too. Thankfully, it's rolling up to address the bigger issue of digital tracking in general.

Working With Data
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Working With Data

There's a lack of easy-to-use tools for "average" users to analyze their data. In today's world, that means something.

Facebook Data Downloads
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Facebook Data Downloads

You upload a ton of data to Facebook and in turn, Facebook generates a ton of data about you. I built a tool to take a look at Facebook's view of you.