

Python Extension Modules in Aws Lambda
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Python Extension Modules in Aws Lambda

AWS Lambda is a fantastic way to connect various distinct pieces in the cloud. Python is an easily accessible language that makes that work simple. But pulling in 3rd party code can be tricky. This post explains how to package 3rd party modules so you can use them in AWS Lambda.

DevOps Overload
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DevOps Overload

DevOps is the "new hotness" but what does it really mean to development, operations, and security?

Voice Interfaces
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Voice Interfaces

Voice is going to play a huge role in the future. What are the security and privacy challenges?

Blockchain For Identities
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Blockchain For Identities

Does blockchain finally bring the transparency and accountability needed for an internet scale identity provider?

Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Games Hack
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Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Games Hack

Cyberattacks happen all of the time. The critical angle to evaluate is their impact. Did the attack breach critical systems? Access personal information?

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There is always new threat to worry about in cybersecurity. Keeping perspective about the likelihood of that threat being an actual issue is critical.

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Keeping a personal website up to date is always tricky. The technical pieces are simple, it's be satisfied with the design and making the commitment to focus on the site when there is a ton of other, maybe more interesting work to be done. Needless to say, this is my restarting this site!