
Serverless Is An Ops Model
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Serverless Is An Ops Model

Serverless architectures are a fantastic solution to a lot—not all—design challenge. The benefits they bring are substantial and they can reduce the overall ops and development burden for a lot of teams. But when we're talking about serverless, are we all talking about the same thing?

Cloud Costs & Security
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Cloud Costs & Security

A recent survey from RightScale showed a lot of confusion around cloud computing costs. The common take away? Organizations are surprised at how high their cloud bills are. Similarly, the community was surprised at the size of Lyft's commitment to AWS (around 8 million per month).

Delivering Information With Context
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Delivering Information With Context

After a jam packed AWS re:Invent 2018, I've been thinking about how to deliver information to an audience. One of the challenges is delivering that information with enough context that it makes sense to that audience.

Python Extension Modules in Aws Lambda
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Python Extension Modules in Aws Lambda

AWS Lambda is a fantastic way to connect various distinct pieces in the cloud. Python is an easily accessible language that makes that work simple. But pulling in 3rd party code can be tricky. This post explains how to package 3rd party modules so you can use them in AWS Lambda.