
Protecting Yourself Black Friday Scams Online
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Protecting Yourself Black Friday Scams Online

Black Friday and Cybermonday are two of the biggest shopping days of the year. Consumers rush to get the biggest deals on all sorts of items. Sadly, scammers and cybercriminals also rush to take advantage.

Data Retention in Canada
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Data Retention in Canada

Canadian data privacy laws state that an organization is responsible for the life cycle of the data. Most orgs struggle with protecting it while it's in use, what about after they no longer need it?

Catching Distracted Drivers With Technology
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Catching Distracted Drivers With Technology

Google really doesn't like humans and they LOVE data. At the intersection of those two areas is a new A.I assistant that calls business to complete simple tasks for it's users and to automatically update Google's databases: enter Google Duplex.

Family Locator Apps
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Family Locator Apps

Should you track your children's every move? Your partners? Family locator apps promise safety and convenience but are they really just an invasion of privacy?

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VPNs can help secure your internet traffic when you're travelling. They can help you route around geographic restrictions. But is using a VPN exposing you to more risk? What is the impact of centralizing all of your internet requests with one specific company?

G Suite for Education
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G Suite for Education

GMail in the classroom just like on your phone. The promise of G Suite for Education is enticing. A low-cost way for schools to provide collaboration tools to students and teachers. But what are the privacy implications of letting the search giant into our schools?

3d Printing
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3d Printing

3d printing holds a mountain of promise. While the technology is taking longer than generally expected to make an impact, the areas where it is having an impact are significant. While copyright and outdated thinking get in the way of this technology?

Deep Fakes Was That Real
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Deep Fakes Was That Real

Is that video real? Are you sure? A new technique makes it easier than ever to create passable fake videos of prominent people. You cannot trust your eyes anymore.

Smartphone Addiction Intended Consequence
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Smartphone Addiction Intended Consequence

Is your phone trying to trick you into never putting it down? Smartphone addiction has become such a massive problem that the two major operating systems—Apple and Android—now include features designed to help you use your device less. Is this what we have come down to?

Facial Recognition Discussion Required
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Facial Recognition Discussion Required

Facial recognition is a technology that exemplifies the underlying neutrality of most technology. When used with positive intentions it makes out devices more secure. When in the wrong hands, it can violate privacy on a massive scale. Do we need to regulate this technology? At what level? Regardles

Fortnite a Good Example
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Fortnite a Good Example

Over the few years, mobile has become the dominant platform for gaming. As a result, smaller, simple games have come to prominence. In order to make money developers have (over) rotated on in-app purchases. Fortnite is a great example of an addictive FREE game that is making a ton of money without

Google Duplex Are We Ready
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Google Duplex Are We Ready

Google really doesn't like humans and they LOVE data. At the intersection of those two areas is a new A.I assistant that calls business to complete simple tasks for it's users and to automatically update Google's databases: enter Google Duplex.