Learning From Failure
No one wins all the time. Don't seek out failure but we shouldn't be afraid of sharing our failures so that others may learn.
Live streamed to 1,250+ viewers each morning, each episode of this show took a deeper look into a security or privacy topic that's in the news or just on Mark's mind. Ran for almost 200 episodes in 2018 and 2019.
No one wins all the time. Don't seek out failure but we shouldn't be afraid of sharing our failures so that others may learn.
Security is there to ensure that the systems you build work only as intended. Part of that is realizing the potential for abuse and ensuring that the system and users can continue to work safely...there's a LOT of work to do.
A lot of the issues facing our communities and sub communities today (deep fakes, encryption, privacy, DevOps, etc.) need active discussions. By their very nature, you can't really have discussions at scale...right?
Getting your first cybersecurity role can be difficult. Is part of the problem how organizations are hiring talent?
Passwords are a horrible way to verifying identities but they are the best thing we currently have that works at scale. Adding a 2nd factor to that verification significantly increases the security of the system. But how can you add that factor without sacrificing usability?
You cannot stand at "Red Alert" 24/7 but that's exactly what we do in cybersecurity...often without realizing it. What impact does that have an our approach? Our attitude? Our mental health?
Unchecked assumptions are a major risk in any field...but in cybersecurity they take on a whole new level
A common step when you're trying to get started in a career in cybersecurity is getting a basic certification. What comes after?
It's all too easy to burnout in IT in general...more so in security. Why? What's the cost?
Some perceptions override the logic behind risk decisions. How do you fight through to make a sound decision?
Getting your first job in cybersecurity can be super frustrating. How can we work through traditional HR processes to get started?