Mornings With Mark

Live streamed to 1,250+ viewers each morning, each episode of this show took a deeper look into a security or privacy topic that's in the news or just on Mark's mind. Ran for almost 200 episodes in 2018 and 2019.


Cryptocurrency & High Value Targets
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Cryptocurrency & High Value Targets

Cryptocurrency is a digital asset. As such, it's a major target for cybercriminals. We've seen attack after attack in the past few months as exchanges, apps, and other players in the cryptocurrency market aren't aligning their security to the threats they face.

Net Neutrality
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Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is a simple dictate that states all network packets must be treated equally. This—of course—tanks a few business models for ISPs and in the US, they have successfully lobbying to remove previously regulations.

Developer Workflow 101
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Developer Workflow 101

The push to move to a "DevOps" culture is a great opportunity to improve security. But first, we need to understand the general development workflow!

Transparency & Backpedaling
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Transparency & Backpedaling

Security and privacy center on trust. You can't have that without a high level of transparency. In this day and age, everything comes to light eventually. Better to be up front and open with most activities.

Why Can't Security Play Nice With Others?
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Why Can't Security Play Nice With Others?

Is it just attitude that keeps security teams from working well with the rest of the organization? And if so, can that attitude be changed? What's keeping things so negative. Some thoughts...

What's In A Name?
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What's In A Name?

We know that cybersecurity isn't the best name to describe what is ostensibly, "information security" but it's the name we're stuck with.

University for Cybersecurity
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University for Cybersecurity

I am often asked what a good undergraduate program is to take if someone is aiming for a career in cybersecurity. There are plenty of fantastic options but ironically, one I'm not a fan of is an undergraduate focused purely on cybersecurity!

Data Management & GDPR
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Data Management & GDPR

GDPR comes into effect tomorrow and one of it's biggest advantages is how it will force companies to actually manage their data...well at least personally identifiable information.