Mornings With Mark

Live streamed to 1,250+ viewers each morning, each episode of this show took a deeper look into a security or privacy topic that's in the news or just on Mark's mind. Ran for almost 200 episodes in 2018 and 2019.


Secret App Telemetry
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Secret App Telemetry

Websites, apps, and even your desktop applications may be tracking a how lot more of your behaviour than you think. The reason in most cases is simply to deliver a better application from a technical perspective. But sometimes, it's more insidious.

Your Child's Digital Identity
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Your Child's Digital Identity

You're building out a digital identity for you kids almost from the day they are born. But it's not just you, the clubs they belong to, schools they attend, and sports they play are all contributing. What's the impact to your child? To their digital future?

DNS Hijacking
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DNS Hijacking

There has been a significant increase in DNS hijacking attacks over the past couple of months...and why not? It's a simple, direct way for cybercriminals to take over an organizations identity or to intercept critical communications.

Terms of Service
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Terms of Service

You agree to new contracts all the time but you probably don't think of them as contracts, they are simply the "Terms of Service". A recent study found that most of these agreements are essentially unreadable. That sets up a one-sides relationship between the services and their us

Canadian Election Cybersecurity
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Canadian Election Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a major topic when it comes to modern elections. With Canada probably going to the polls in the fall, discussion is heating up about the potential impact of cybersecurity this election cycle. The good news? Canada's election infrastructure is well protected. The challenge wil

Cybersecurity Research Consequences
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Cybersecurity Research Consequences

Security research can be a tricky thing. Depending on where you are and what jurisdiction you fall under, the research you conduct may be illegal. That can give companies who are resistant to outside researchers the ammo they need to strong arm research teams. What's the best way forward?

Cryptocurrencies & Cybercrime
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Cryptocurrencies & Cybercrime

Cryptocurrencies have dropped in popularity and value but cybercriminals continue undeterred. The latest on cybercrime and cryptocurrency...

Facebook & The Value of Privacy
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Facebook & The Value of Privacy

Facebook continues to do anything they can to build data profiles on users. This week it was revealed that they shifted their Onavo efforts to a new "research" project where they targeted 13-35 year olds via 3rd party market research companies. Lots of questions and issues here...

GDPR Intentions
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GDPR Intentions

GDPR has been in effect for a few months and we're starting to see the first major rulings. Google was just hit with a 50m Euro fine for not being clear enough in their intentions with user data. Is this a turning point? While regulation and legislation is typically followed to the letter, t

Facebook's 10 Year Challenge
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Facebook's 10 Year Challenge

The 10 Year Challenge is sweeping social media right now. It's a harmless way of looking back at yourself—and everyone else—a decade ago...or is it?

Zero vs. Lean Trust
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Zero vs. Lean Trust

Network security is struggling to keep up with the reality of how organizations are build and connect today. From hybrid network (on-premises and in the cloud) to large mobile user bases, traditional network security—push everything through a choke point—is well past it's best before date. Wh

773M Credentials
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773M Credentials

It's not uncommon for cybercriminals to combine multiple data sets in order to increase their chances of finding valid user credentials. Security researcher Troy Hunt found the mother of all collections, dubbed "Collection #1". This roll up contains 773M sets of credentials fro