

Security and Privacy Are Linked
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Security and Privacy Are Linked

Security and privacy are linked yet for some reason, you see privacy experts ignoring the impact of security and security experts who are unconcerned with privacy. Why?

How AI Could Help Ease Your Zoom Fatigue
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How AI Could Help Ease Your Zoom Fatigue

Is your day chalk full of video calls? Wondering why you're exhausted at the end of the day? The two might be related 😉. In this column, Robyn and I discuss some of the reasons for 'zoom fatigue' and what technology might help address it.

Dumpster Fire
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Dumpster Fire

🗑🔥 doesn't quite cut it anymore. Following a random thought, I dive into the process to create a new official emoji and why isn't "dumpster fire" in the official list?

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#BlackLivesMatter has risen to prominence again in the past weeks as protests spread beyond the USA to the world. A positive shift is happening as anti-racism is taking hold in privileged communities. This is a challenging subject and one that can be difficult to address with your family.

NULL & Input Validation
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NULL & Input Validation

NULL is one of many special characters that has a long history in computing. What are the consequences of using NULL as a value provided via user input. The easy answer should be "nothing" but reality is a lot messier. Joseph Tataro set out to get a nerdy license plate and found out jus