

Listening To Customers
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Listening To Customers

Listening to customers is built into the DNA of a lot of organizations...why aren't security teams doing the same?

Ethics In Technology & Security
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Ethics In Technology & Security

Deep thoughts in this episode around ethics in technology and their use. Sparked by the latest issues around mobile phone tracking, this episode tackles the lack of ethics discussions around security and technology.

A.I.'s Security & Privacy Impact
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A.I.'s Security & Privacy Impact

There have been a lot of advancements in AI research and use lately, but are we moving in the right direction? Are we having the right conversations around AIs impact?

Password Health
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Password Health

Passwords are the best of a mountain of bad solutions. Picking a strong password lies at the intersection of math (yay!) and psychology...that's a tough place to be. Here are a few tips on creating a useful, strong password.

Your Role as a Security Educator
Security ·

Your Role as a Security Educator

The 2018 keynote at AtlSecCon by Ted Demopoulos emphasized the role that security professionals play in elevating the practice of security. Not only for your career but to help your business move forward, it's critical that you shift your role to one of an educator!

Poor Naming Choice For Gmail Redesign
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Poor Naming Choice For Gmail Redesign

Gmail just launched a nice, new redesigned UI. It'sslick and has some great new features. One feature, "Confidential Mode", is particularly interesting and poorly named/positioned.