Stadia & Secure Access Design
Google recently announced a new, all-in-the-cloud gaming service called Stadia. For gaming fans, there's a lot of potential that—fingers crossed—hopefully pans out.
Google recently announced a new, all-in-the-cloud gaming service called Stadia. For gaming fans, there's a lot of potential that—fingers crossed—hopefully pans out.
A recent survey from RightScale showed a lot of confusion around cloud computing costs. The common take away? Organizations are surprised at how high their cloud bills are. Similarly, the community was surprised at the size of Lyft's commitment to AWS (around 8 million per month).
I you were just starting to try and understand the cybersecurity problem space, a CEO or CIO working to better grasp the challenges facing your organization, how would the industry look? Would you be able to spend wisely? To make decisions taht would actually improve the security of your organizati
We rely on some digital services for critical functions around security and privacy. Trusting those services is paramount to their success and ours. But it can be difficult to trust when you don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Gag orders from the courts can amplify those trust
There has been a significant increase in DNS hijacking attacks over the past couple of months...and why not? It's a simple, direct way for cybercriminals to take over an organizations identity or to intercept critical communications.
Cybersecurity is a major topic when it comes to modern elections. With Canada probably going to the polls in the fall, discussion is heating up about the potential impact of cybersecurity this election cycle. The good news? Canada's election infrastructure is well protected. The challenge wil
Security research can be a tricky thing. Depending on where you are and what jurisdiction you fall under, the research you conduct may be illegal. That can give companies who are resistant to outside researchers the ammo they need to strong arm research teams. What's the best way forward?
GDPR has been in effect for a few months and we're starting to see the first major rulings. Google was just hit with a 50m Euro fine for not being clear enough in their intentions with user data. Is this a turning point? While regulation and legislation is typically followed to the letter, t
Network security is struggling to keep up with the reality of how organizations are build and connect today. From hybrid network (on-premises and in the cloud) to large mobile user bases, traditional network security—push everything through a choke point—is well past it's best before date. Wh
Security metrics are hard. But that doesn't mean you should ignore them. In fact, a lot of teams are measuring the WRONG things which leads them down a path where efforts are being spent in areas that aren't driving to their bigger goals.
Cyberattack attribution is HARD. But time and time again, we're seeing attributions—who carried out the attack—made publicly with little to no evidence presented. Worse, these attributions are having real world impacts...
Trust is a tricky thing. Dotto Tech posed a number of great questions about trust in business and online that got me thinking. Do you trust the technology you're using? How far? With what data? So many questions, here a few more to help you find some answers...