Knowing what the tools in your kit are capable of is critical to success. But can you actually use those features? Do you really understand the implications of the more advanced features of those tools? Sometimes simple is better...and in any case, you better master those tools!
Your product/solution/service has a goal and you've probably gotten good at articulating that goal...but is that message resonating with the audience you're in front of right now? Are you adequately customizing the message for each audience?
"Don't do work you don't have to." It's a solid rule and one that you can leverage more often than you think. There are opportunities to automate our work all around us, but do you have the skills to take advantage?
Working deeply on any one problem for too long narrows your perspective. That's just human nature. Are you taking steps to refresh that perspective? To empathize with teams around you?
Trust is a tricky thing. Dotto Tech posed a number of great questions about trust in business and online that got me thinking. Do you trust the technology you're using? How far? With what data? So many questions, here a few more to help you find some answers...
Nothing is built in isolation. Each technology builds on layers and layers of technology before it. But are those layers worth building on? Can they support the weight of new ideas? How do you account for issues in layers you don' t control? We're seeing the negative consequences more a
Decisions are hard enough that you don't want to have to revisit them constantly. But that's exactly what is required in the realm of cybersecurity. Do you have a system in place to review decisions? Are you recording the right information to update those decisions when the time come
User experience is often overlooked when it comes to security and privacy. This leads to some confusing, dangerous, and challenging situations that users are forced into. Why?!?
During a large incident response, bringing everyone together to a "war room" can be the difference in a speedy recovery, but there are downsides as well. The biggest? Fatigue & burnout. How do you monitor and handle that?
There is a ton of news and information on social networks. There's also a mountain of garbage. How do you sort through it all? Can you? Do we have the tools we need to make sense of the content we're presented with?
Many questions come along with the federal legalization of cannabis in Canada. It's a massive example of trickle down risk as various controls around usage and methods of delivery are pushed into areas they weren't designed for. Are you doing the same thing with your IT deployments? Are
Virtual events can be a great way to connect with your audience. They are not only less expensive to run but they are much easier to access for most people. So why are they rarely enjoyable despite having great content?