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End-to-end Encryption & WhatsApp
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End-to-end Encryption & WhatsApp

In the recent dust up with the founders of WhatsApp, you might have heard the term "end-to-end encryption". What is it? What does it means for you? Why was it frustrating efforts to data mine and monetize WhatsApp?

Amazon Alexa Everywhere
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Amazon Alexa Everywhere

Amazon announced a host of new "Alexa enabled" devices last week. What are the implications for your privacy at home?

What Do You Look To Get Out Of Conferences?
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What Do You Look To Get Out Of Conferences?

Conferences are usually jam packed with great content. So much so that it can be hard to prepare for them and get the most out of them. What do you look for in a conference? How can I help?

The Basic Basics
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The Basic Basics

With the initial set of cybersecurity basics segments done, I'm think it's worth moving to a "basics" basics series. The goal would be to help everyone understand how the internet works, how email is structure, etc. Thoughts?

Cybersecurity Basics #11 - Risk Assessments & Pen Tests
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Cybersecurity Basics #11 - Risk Assessments & Pen Tests

Risk assessments are useful when kept in context and continually updated. A penetration test (or pen test) is when your system undergoes a "friendly" attack with the idea of find issues before cybercriminals do. Together they are a strong set of practices to help you defences.

Family Locator Apps
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Family Locator Apps

Should you track your children's every move? Your partners? Family locator apps promise safety and convenience but are they really just an invasion of privacy?