

Cybersecurity Basics #11 - Risk Assessments & Pen Tests
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Cybersecurity Basics #11 - Risk Assessments & Pen Tests

Risk assessments are useful when kept in context and continually updated. A penetration test (or pen test) is when your system undergoes a "friendly" attack with the idea of find issues before cybercriminals do. Together they are a strong set of practices to help you defences.

Family Locator Apps
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Family Locator Apps

Should you track your children's every move? Your partners? Family locator apps promise safety and convenience but are they really just an invasion of privacy?

Cybersecurity Basics #6 - Malware
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Cybersecurity Basics #6 - Malware

Malicious software (malware) is an umbrella term that covers a number of different types of software designed to do bad things...but those specific categories don't mean to much day-to-day when it comes to defence...

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VPNs can help secure your internet traffic when you're travelling. They can help you route around geographic restrictions. But is using a VPN exposing you to more risk? What is the impact of centralizing all of your internet requests with one specific company?