

Fortnite a Good Example
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Fortnite a Good Example

Over the few years, mobile has become the dominant platform for gaming. As a result, smaller, simple games have come to prominence. In order to make money developers have (over) rotated on in-app purchases. Fortnite is a great example of an addictive FREE game that is making a ton of money without

Google Duplex Are We Ready
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Google Duplex Are We Ready

Google really doesn't like humans and they LOVE data. At the intersection of those two areas is a new A.I assistant that calls business to complete simple tasks for it's users and to automatically update Google's databases: enter Google Duplex.

Culture Change Is Hard
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Culture Change Is Hard

We (the IT community) don't push for cultural change because it requires persistent and dedicated long term work. That runs counter to the usual pace of technology. We (the security community) are even worse off...

Ethics And Action In Technology
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Ethics And Action In Technology

Ethical questions and quandaries are tough enough to work though when they are theoretical. But when you're confronted with them in the real world, there are usually real world consequences. This makes a hard situation even harder. What do you do? What can you do?

Ethics In Technology And Cybersecurity
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Ethics In Technology And Cybersecurity

How new technologies are used and built is really up to us. Regardless of your moral compass, it's important that you discuss the creation & use of these tools with your teams and larger community.

Getting Started In Cybersecurity & Perspective
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Getting Started In Cybersecurity & Perspective

Getting started in cybersecurity can be hard. Sticking to core principles is critical as technology will change. But one of the hardest aspects to cultivate is perspective. How can you tackle that challenge?

Apple, Graylock, And Context
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Apple, Graylock, And Context

With iOS 12, Apple will reduce the time an iOS device responds to the USB port when locked down to an hour. Having a hard time understanding why that matters to you? It's because it really won't. It is however a gap in the security posture of these devices that Apple is fixing.