

The F8 Fallout
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The F8 Fallout

Facebook wrapped up its F8 conference this week with a series of new product announcements. In this episode, we'll take a look and see how these announcements fit into the bigger picture.

Password Health
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Password Health

Passwords are the best of a mountain of bad solutions. Picking a strong password lies at the intersection of math (yay!) and psychology...that's a tough place to be. Here are a few tips on creating a useful, strong password.

F8 & The Future Of Facebook
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F8 & The Future Of Facebook

Facebook is hosting its annual F8 conference and it appears that this will be a reserved year. Understandable given the scandals of late...

The Hallway Track
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The Hallway Track

When you're at a conference, one of the biggest perks is the "hallway track". The serendipitous run-ins with people you follow online, speakers, or other attendees. If you're not putting yourself out there and meeting some new people, you're doing yourself a disservice

Poor Naming Choice For Gmail Redesign
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Poor Naming Choice For Gmail Redesign

Gmail just launched a nice, new redesigned UI. It'sslick and has some great new features. One feature, "Confidential Mode", is particularly interesting and poorly named/positioned.

The Cybersecurity Paradox in Operational Technologies
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The Cybersecurity Paradox in Operational Technologies

This deep techincal dive in the cybersecurity of operational technologies (OT) focuses on the dramatic timing disconnect. Physical technology is often bought to last for years and years, digitally focused tech is designed to be updated constantly and replaced quickly. That's problem in today&