Facebook's Security Fail
Since May of 2016 Facebook has been prompting some new users for their email passwords. Yes, their email passwords. WTF?
Live streamed to 1,250+ viewers each morning, each episode of this show took a deeper look into a security or privacy topic that's in the news or just on Mark's mind. Ran for almost 200 episodes in 2018 and 2019.
Since May of 2016 Facebook has been prompting some new users for their email passwords. Yes, their email passwords. WTF?
Thomas Brewster, writing for Forbes, highlighted a recent case by the DEA. The case itself isn't out of the ordinary. What is interesting is the issues raised by search warrant request for LogMeIn.com...parent company of LastPass. This password management service is used by the accused a
It's tempting to search for the "perfect" solution to a problem. The challenge? That "perfection" rarely exists. But time after time, we seek out these perfect solutions. Nothing's perfect. Security is far from perfect. But we keep trying for perfect sceurity&
Serverless architectures are a fantastic solution to a lot—not all—design challenge. The benefits they bring are substantial and they can reduce the overall ops and development burden for a lot of teams. But when we're talking about serverless, are we all talking about the same thing?
A recent report from the Canadian Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS) saw a dramatic increase in complaints with billing being one of the top reasons. That's not especially noteworthy in an industry known for poor customer service...until you dig a little dee
A recent study by NCSU found that there are way more API keys and tokens uploaded to GitHub than previously thought. In fact, there's almost a near constant stream of secrets being exposed...why?!?
Google recently announced a new, all-in-the-cloud gaming service called Stadia. For gaming fans, there's a lot of potential that—fingers crossed—hopefully pans out.
An interesting op-ed from Dr. Egginton at John Hopkins University highlights some efforts underway in the US to declare learning to code the equivalent of learning a new language.
A recent survey from RightScale showed a lot of confusion around cloud computing costs. The common take away? Organizations are surprised at how high their cloud bills are. Similarly, the community was surprised at the size of Lyft's commitment to AWS (around 8 million per month).
A recent tweet called out a user's perception about Grammarly, a SaaS-based grammar and writing tool. They accused the service of being predatory (due to it's license) and a keylogger. While the points are off base (but not insanely so), they do raise a bigger issue: the user perception
I you were just starting to try and understand the cybersecurity problem space, a CEO or CIO working to better grasp the challenges facing your organization, how would the industry look? Would you be able to spend wisely? To make decisions taht would actually improve the security of your organizati
We rely on some digital services for critical functions around security and privacy. Trusting those services is paramount to their success and ours. But it can be difficult to trust when you don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Gag orders from the courts can amplify those trust