Mornings With Mark

Live streamed to 1,250+ viewers each morning, each episode of this show took a deeper look into a security or privacy topic that's in the news or just on Mark's mind. Ran for almost 200 episodes in 2018 and 2019.


Preparation Is Key
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Preparation Is Key

The "secret" to most success is being prepared. Taking a few minutes or hours to map out what you want to happen is far better than trying to figure it out when you're up against the clock.

You Can't Blame 'Em
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You Can't Blame 'Em

We build services and solutions using parts provided by other companies. That's the only way to move forward effectively. When a security or privacy breach happens, how do you handle those parts out of your direct control? Especially considering your customer may not have any idea they exist?

Optimize Your Tools
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Optimize Your Tools

You know you have to master your tools but are you selecting or building the right tools? A lot of teams over or under engineer their tools. This results in either a failure to return the value invested or lost productivity. Are you hitting the sweet spot?

The Internet Is Forever
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The Internet Is Forever

You can't really remove something from the internet. Not is the owner/operator really wants it out there. That's a huge advantage and challenge for the internet community. What are the impacts of that fact?

Politics & Attack Attribution
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Politics & Attack Attribution

Cyberattack attribution is HARD. But time and time again, we're seeing attributions—who carried out the attack—made publicly with little to no evidence presented. Worse, these attributions are having real world impacts...

Master Your Tools
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Master Your Tools

Knowing what the tools in your kit are capable of is critical to success. But can you actually use those features? Do you really understand the implications of the more advanced features of those tools? Sometimes simple is better...and in any case, you better master those tools!

Automating Your Job
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Automating Your Job

"Don't do work you don't have to." It's a solid rule and one that you can leverage more often than you think. There are opportunities to automate our work all around us, but do you have the skills to take advantage?

Refreshing Your Perspective
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Refreshing Your Perspective

Working deeply on any one problem for too long narrows your perspective. That's just human nature. Are you taking steps to refresh that perspective? To empathize with teams around you?

Building On Trust
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Building On Trust

Trust is a tricky thing. Dotto Tech posed a number of great questions about trust in business and online that got me thinking. Do you trust the technology you're using? How far? With what data? So many questions, here a few more to help you find some answers...

Building On Fragile Layers
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Building On Fragile Layers

Nothing is built in isolation. Each technology builds on layers and layers of technology before it. But are those layers worth building on? Can they support the weight of new ideas? How do you account for issues in layers you don' t control? We're seeing the negative consequences more a

Keep Decisions Up To Date
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Keep Decisions Up To Date

Decisions are hard enough that you don't want to have to revisit them constantly. But that's exactly what is required in the realm of cybersecurity. Do you have a system in place to review decisions? Are you recording the right information to update those decisions when the time come

User Experience Is Critical
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User Experience Is Critical

User experience is often overlooked when it comes to security and privacy. This leads to some confusing, dangerous, and challenging situations that users are forced into. Why?!?