

Does Your Utility Control Your Smart House?
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Does Your Utility Control Your Smart House?

When your local electric utility offered a new smart thermostat a heavy discount, a lot of homeowners jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, a clause in the terms of the promotion grants the utility access to your data and the ability to remotely control the device!

Privacy at WWDC21
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Privacy at WWDC21

Apples annual developer conference announced the latest version of all of Apples operating sytems and privacy was a key pillar across all of them.

Google Gathers FLoC of Privacy Bull
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Google Gathers FLoC of Privacy Bull

Google continues to advocate for a "privacy-first" web. The problem? Their definition of privacy and how it seems to be a Google-powered adtech nightmare.

Clubhouse's Entirely Predictable Privacy and Moderation Issues
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Clubhouse's Entirely Predictable Privacy and Moderation Issues

Clubhouse is the hot new social network. It's a promising audio-only network that now boasts over 2 millions active weekly users. During this rise, it's committed some easily avoidable and obvious mistakes around privacy and content moderation. Can they recover?