

Does Your Utility Control Your Smart House?
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Does Your Utility Control Your Smart House?

When your local electric utility offered a new smart thermostat a heavy discount, a lot of homeowners jumped at the chance. Unfortunately, a clause in the terms of the promotion grants the utility access to your data and the ability to remotely control the device!

Privacy at WWDC21
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Privacy at WWDC21

Apples annual developer conference announced the latest version of all of Apples operating sytems and privacy was a key pillar across all of them.

Google Gathers FLoC of Privacy Bull
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Google Gathers FLoC of Privacy Bull

Google continues to advocate for a "privacy-first" web. The problem? Their definition of privacy and how it seems to be a Google-powered adtech nightmare.

Clubhouse's Entirely Predictable Privacy and Moderation Issues
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Clubhouse's Entirely Predictable Privacy and Moderation Issues

Clubhouse is the hot new social network. It's a promising audio-only network that now boasts over 2 millions active weekly users. During this rise, it's committed some easily avoidable and obvious mistakes around privacy and content moderation. Can they recover?

Security and Privacy Are Linked
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Security and Privacy Are Linked

Security and privacy are linked yet for some reason, you see privacy experts ignoring the impact of security and security experts who are unconcerned with privacy. Why?