Adding More Useful Features Is Why Your Product Isn't Good Anymore
Way too many great products are ruined because teams can't stop adding new features and functionality. 馃う
Way too many great products are ruined because teams can't stop adding new features and functionality. 馃う
One post last year? What happened? Lots...but also nothing?
Just because you can solve a problem, doesn't mean you should.
Digital privacy is critical in our communities. Why don't we have it?
Here are the steps I use to break down technology topics for a wider audience.
Should be able to encrypt your communications? The debate is on...again
A lot of risk decisions are made in the dark...why?
How do we respond to risk? Do we have the data we need to make an informed decision?
NFTs are digital assets. That means there are cybersecurity concerns with them too.
NFTs are all the rage right now. Make sure you understand what they are before diving in.