

Ethics And Action In Technology
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Ethics And Action In Technology

Ethical questions and quandaries are tough enough to work though when they are theoretical. But when you're confronted with them in the real world, there are usually real world consequences. This makes a hard situation even harder. What do you do? What can you do?

Ethics In Technology And Cybersecurity
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Ethics In Technology And Cybersecurity

How new technologies are used and built is really up to us. Regardless of your moral compass, it's important that you discuss the creation & use of these tools with your teams and larger community.

Net Neutrality
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Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is a simple dictate that states all network packets must be treated equally. This—of course—tanks a few business models for ISPs and in the US, they have successfully lobbying to remove previously regulations.

What's In A Name?
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What's In A Name?

We know that cybersecurity isn't the best name to describe what is ostensibly, "information security" but it's the name we're stuck with.

Why Can't Security Play Nice With Others?
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Why Can't Security Play Nice With Others?

Is it just attitude that keeps security teams from working well with the rest of the organization? And if so, can that attitude be changed? What's keeping things so negative. Some thoughts...

Ethics In Technology & Security
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Ethics In Technology & Security

Deep thoughts in this episode around ethics in technology and their use. Sparked by the latest issues around mobile phone tracking, this episode tackles the lack of ethics discussions around security and technology.

The Hallway Track
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The Hallway Track

When you're at a conference, one of the biggest perks is the "hallway track". The serendipitous run-ins with people you follow online, speakers, or other attendees. If you're not putting yourself out there and meeting some new people, you're doing yourself a disservice

Fear Uncertainty And Doubt
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Fear Uncertainty And Doubt

Cybersecurity is often positioned from the negative. There are bad things coming to get you! What a waste of energy...

Apple vs. The FBI
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Apple vs. The FBI

The FBI and other federal law enforcement in the US (and elsewhere) continue to push back against "going dark". Thankfully Apple is fighting back, because when we break security systems and processes, no one wins. This post tracks the signficant events in Apple vs. the FBI.