HR Challenges & Getting Your First Security Role
Getting your first cybersecurity role can be difficult. Is part of the problem how organizations are hiring talent?
Getting your first cybersecurity role can be difficult. Is part of the problem how organizations are hiring talent?
Passwords are a horrible way to verifying identities but they are the best thing we currently have that works at scale. Adding a 2nd factor to that verification significantly increases the security of the system. But how can you add that factor without sacrificing usability?
You cannot stand at "Red Alert" 24/7 but that's exactly what we do in cybersecurity...often without realizing it. What impact does that have an our approach? Our attitude? Our mental health?
A common step when you're trying to get started in a career in cybersecurity is getting a basic certification. What comes after?
If you're working by hand, you're failing. In today's world of security, rapid delivery, and new technologies, automation is critical.
Getting your first job in cybersecurity can be super frustrating. How can we work through traditional HR processes to get started?
There's only upside to collaborating more deeply with other teams in the org. So why doesn't the security get out there and do it?!?
We've spoken a lot of maintaining and expanding perspective when it comes to cybersecurity. In this episode, we dive in highlight a methodology called "service design thinking".
Tanacon 1.0 was an unmitigated disaster. Not only is this a reminder that physical security is critical but it's an example of a failure to analyze risk properly (or at all).
We (the IT community) don't push for cultural change because it requires persistent and dedicated long term work. That runs counter to the usual pace of technology. We (the security community) are even worse off...
How new technologies are used and built is really up to us. Regardless of your moral compass, it's important that you discuss the creation & use of these tools with your teams and larger community.