

Data Management & GDPR

Data Management & GDPR

GDPR comes into effect tomorrow and one of it's biggest advantages is how it will force companies to actually manage their data...well at least personally identifiable information.

Encryption Law Enforcement And Transparency

Encryption Law Enforcement And Transparency

Apparently the FBI misrepresented the number of devices they can't access due to encryption by up to a factor of 6x. This is most likely due to clerical error and a lack of actual statistics rather than malicious intent.

3, 2, 1, GDPR

3, 2, 1, GDPR

GDPR comes into effect on Friday, 25-May. What does it mean globally? Um...we're not really sure.

Being Transparent With User Data

Being Transparent With User Data

How do you handle data collection from your users? Is it hidden and suspect like the current rash of mobile provider exposures? With no opt-out like Microsoft Office? Or clear and transparent?

Listening To Customers

Listening To Customers

Listening to customers is built into the DNA of a lot of organizations...why aren't security teams doing the same?

Ethics In Technology & Security

Ethics In Technology & Security

Deep thoughts in this episode around ethics in technology and their use. Sparked by the latest issues around mobile phone tracking, this episode tackles the lack of ethics discussions around security and technology.

A.I. Amok

A.I. Amok

Google announced several new AI advancements at the I/O 2018 event. On the surface, there's a lot of really usable features. The downside is more profiling and implicit trade offs. I much prefer explicit trades and I think most people agree.

A.I.'s Security & Privacy Impact

A.I.'s Security & Privacy Impact

There have been a lot of advancements in AI research and use lately, but are we moving in the right direction? Are we having the right conversations around AIs impact?