

Monitoring Production Services at Amazon
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Monitoring Production Services at Amazon

To operate services, Amazon relies on having high-fidelity visibility into how its systems behave and the user experience, whether that’s using AWS services or shopping on In this session, learn about Amazon’s never-ending journey for the perfect granularity of monitoring. This session

Politicians Playing Among Us
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Politicians Playing Among Us

On my tech column with CBC Ottawa Morning, I explain how politicians are using the online game, Among Us, as a platform to reach younger audiences.

AWS re:Invent 2020
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AWS re:Invent 2020

AWS re:Invent is always jam packed with new content. This post is a road map for my content during this three week virtual event.

AWS re:Invent 2020, Week One
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AWS re:Invent 2020, Week One

Week one of three for AWS re:Invent 2020 kicks off and this post will be my "live blog" for the week. Check back often for reactions, news, and tips on how to get the most out of the week.

Passwords Suck
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Passwords Suck

Passwords are the worst. Trying to pick a "secure" one makes the whole thing worse. Every site and service has it's own variation on the "rules" for making a strong password and it's hard to remember what you've set your password to.

AWS re:Invent Hot Takes
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AWS re:Invent Hot Takes

AWS launches a mountain of new features leading up to and during AWS re:Invent. Here's the list of announcements for 2020 and my perspective on a lot of them that I think will help you build better.

Is Apple Tracking The Apps You Use?
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Is Apple Tracking The Apps You Use?

Apple recently launched macOS Big Sur and a security researcher's post vent viral highlighting a steady stream of communications that "phone home" detailing what apps you're using on your system. What's going on here?

How AI Could Help Ease Your Zoom Fatigue
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How AI Could Help Ease Your Zoom Fatigue

Is your day chalk full of video calls? Wondering why you're exhausted at the end of the day? The two might be related 😉. In this column, Robyn and I discuss some of the reasons for 'zoom fatigue' and what technology might help address it.

Advertising to & Tracking iOS 14 Users
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Advertising to & Tracking iOS 14 Users

Ad-tech, digital marketing, and the surveillance economy are worth billions and billions of dollars. It all hinges on the ability to target ads and you can't target ads without tracking users and their devices.